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that under the current contract formula, LAGCo would be unable to exercise the 5-year <br /> contract extension due to escalating operating costs. <br /> City Manager Cahill explained that the agreement did allow for special adjustments. <br /> Historically, the Town has used the process of a subcommittee consisting of staff and a <br /> Councilmember to review major agreements and he anticipated that the review would be <br /> completed within 60 days. <br /> Councilmember Kerr expressed his hope that the company would consider modernizing <br /> their fleet with more fuel efficient trucks and trucks that would require Jess frequent trips. <br /> Kerr noted that they were the largest user of fuel in Town. Mayor Pro Tem Jones <br /> concurred with Kerr's position to broaden the task of the subcommittee to investigate <br /> options that would achieve a reduction in the use of conventional fossil fuel and to review <br /> the associated costs. <br /> Zirelli commented that LAGCo was sensitive to the Town's environmental issues and <br /> they were currently looking at different fuel options including use of the biodiesel B20. <br /> Councilmember Mordo volunteered to work with the City Manager on the subcommittee. <br /> He questioned if the Town had an obligation to get competing bids for the Franchise. <br /> City Attorney Mattas explained that there was no obligation to seek bids but if desired, it <br /> was permitted. Council consensus was that the company was providing excellent service <br /> to the community. <br /> • City Manager Cahill offered that the Town was planning on surveying other LAGCo <br /> customers to determine their level of satisfaction with the purveyor. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Jones, seconded by O'Malley and <br /> passed unanimously to appoint Councilmember Mordo to serve as the Council <br /> representative on the subcommittee reviewing the Franchise agreement between the Town <br /> and Los Altos Garbage Company. <br /> 6.4 Consideration of Mid-Year Budget Adjustments <br /> Administrative Services Director Sarah Ragsdale introduced this item to Council. <br /> Council had before them a staff report that included: the Fund Balance/Retained Earnings <br /> Summary; Revenue Budgets; Expenditure Budgets; and, Interfund Transfers. Ragsdale <br /> offered that the item was a request for a mid-year budget adjustment and directed the <br /> Council to the spreadsheet titled Attachment 1 to her staff report. She reviewed the <br /> columns with Council and noted that revenues were up in comparison to expenditures in <br /> part due to the passage of AB 117 and savings in operating areas. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Jones offered that Ragsdale's reporting method followed the <br /> recommended governmental accounting standards and was also presented in an <br /> acceptable business reporting format that was more understandable. He congratulated the <br /> • Administrative Services Director on her efforts. <br /> 8 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> March 22,2007 <br />