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4.6 Approval of 2006-2007 Agreement for Information Technology Services— <br /> Resolution 8-07 <br /> 4.7 Acceptance of the Moody Road Pathway Project Segment#lA <br /> Resolution 9-07 <br /> 4.8 Approval of Request for One-Year Extension of Tentative Map, Lands of <br /> JFLP Partnership,27361 Altamont Road. File#200-04-IS-ND-TM-GD <br /> 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> 5.1 Town Goals <br /> 5.1.1 Public Education: Bring the Future of Public Education to a Vote <br /> Mayor Warshawsky provided a brief overview of the Town's negotiating team's recent <br /> meeting with Los Altos School District Superintendent Tim Justus and LASD School <br /> Board President Bill Cooper. Mayor Warshawsky, John Radford and Bart Carey had met <br /> with the LASD representatives on March 6, 2007 as a follow up to their earlier <br /> discussions held in February. Warshawsky believed the meeting had been productive and <br /> informative. <br /> Warshawsky highlighted the key elements of their two hour discussion. They included: <br /> 1) Superintendent Justus reported that the District was committed to opening Bullis- <br /> Purissima School with a K-3 and adding an additional grade each year. If the enrollment <br /> warranted additional classes they would be added sooner. He was remaining flexible. <br /> 2) The concept of Trusteeships by geography was broached by the negotiating team. <br /> Warshawsky believed that additional information on the topic was needed by the Town's <br /> negotiating team to have a thorough understanding of the issue and the process for <br /> pursuing this approach for representation on the District's Board. Board President Bill <br /> Cooper opposed the idea of geographical representation. <br /> 3) The final issue of discussion at the meeting was location of the Bullis Charter School <br /> at Bullis-Purissima. Superintendent Justus was in opposition to the proposal for several <br /> reasons. They included: The Bullis Charter School charter was under the jurisdiction of <br /> the County, not the District; he did not believe that locating BCS at Bullis-Purissima was <br /> a viable solution to the neighborhood school issue that was being resolved by the District <br /> with the reopening of Bullis-Purissima school; the Bullis Charter School was not a true <br /> public school; and, it was not a solution amenable to everyone. President Cooper did not <br /> believe that the bond previously passed had stipulated the use of bond funds for a charter <br /> school. The District representatives suggested that BCS would have to relinquish some <br /> of their independence to be located at the Bullis-Purissima campus. <br /> • Warshawsky summarized several of the key elements that he brought away from the <br /> meeting. The Town could potentially sponsor discussions between the District and the <br /> 3 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> March 8,2007 <br />