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Bullis Charter School to develop a plan for the two parties to work together. <br /> S Warshawsky noted that it had also been suggested that a joint status report from the Town <br /> and District be generated and distributed to residents on Public Education. Warshawsky <br /> believed that the District's attendance boundary discussions in June were critical. <br /> Duncan MacMillan, resident, provided a synopsis of the discussions that had been going <br /> on in parallel to the LASD talks in the Palo Alto Unified School District He reported that <br /> the PAUSD Board had met on March 6, 2007 and approved an Administrative Regulation <br /> that defined an Inter District Transfer with a multi-year capability ( 7 years "no cut" with <br /> equal return) and an amendment to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between <br /> the two Districts. The amendment removed any limit to the numbers of students that <br /> could take advantage of transfers to Bullis-Purissima. MacMillan explained that the two <br /> items approved by PAUSD had to date, not been considered by the Los Altos School <br /> District. <br /> MacMillan believed that both Districts were working towards a successful opening for <br /> Bullis-Purissima. He reiterated the importance of the PAUSD approved Administrative <br /> Regulation that required a student apply only once for the transfer from PAUSD that <br /> would be valid for seven years. Upon re-entering into PAUSD, the student would be <br /> "equal". MacMillan suggested that it was important for the Town to acquire a similar <br /> commitment from LASD. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Jones proposed that it was important for the negotiating team to monitor <br /> attendance boundaries and the MOU described by MacMillan to ensure that it is brought <br /> to fruition and signed by both parties. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Jones as an additional background item for Council's discussion on <br /> public education issues provided an update on the status of the Bullis Charter School. He <br /> advised that the school had completed their three year charter with the County Office of <br /> Education and were in line for review of the charter. The County staff had recommended <br /> a one-two year renewal. Bullis Charter School during the review process had requested a <br /> preference for enrollment of Los Altos Hills students. By a unanimous decision, BCS <br /> was granted a five year extension of their charter. This action reinforces the obligation of <br /> the Los Altos School District to build a new school for BCS when and if a new bond <br /> measure is approved in Fall, 2008. Jones noted that the request for a LAH preference <br /> failed by a 3-3 vote. He believed that BCS could be a Town solution if the LAH <br /> preference was endorsed by the two Districts and approved by the County Committee. <br /> 5.1.1a. Consideration of Formation of New Education Standing <br /> Committee-Mayor Pro Tem Jones <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Jones introduced this item. Council had before them a draft that he had <br /> prepared that outlined the mission of the proposed standing committee, membership size <br /> and requirements and identified the tasks assigned to the committee members. <br /> 4 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> March 8,2007 <br />