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The primary charge of the committee was to serve as the City Council's "eyes and ears" <br /> on all education issues in Town and to promote public education opportunities for Los <br /> Altos Hills resident children. <br /> Council considered the requirement that membership be based on school district <br /> boundaries, with four members being residents from the PAUSD and three members <br /> residing in the LASD. Council determined that the requirement would not be included in <br /> the charter of the standing committee but that membership be a general representation of <br /> both school districts with efforts made to ensure the districts were represented. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Kerr, seconded by O'Malley and <br /> passed unanimously to create a new Public Education Standing Committee and direct <br /> staff to advertise for the volunteer opportunities with the newly formed committee. <br /> The amended Standing Committee Resolution with the addition of the new Education <br /> Committee was scheduled for Council consideration at the March 22,2007 meeting. <br /> 5.1.1b Consideration of"GO Plan" as Framework for Negotiations <br /> with the School Districts-Mayor Pro Tem Jones <br /> Duncan MacMillan introduced this item to Council. He proceeded with a PowerPoint <br /> presentation that outlined the creation of the Good Outcome (GO) Plan and its key <br /> objectives. Following the December 5, 2006 County Committee hearing, a group of <br /> interested citizens from both school districts developed a plan that they believed <br /> addressed the expressed comments of the County Committee members. The authors were <br /> seeking common ground that was amenable to citizens that represented opposing <br /> opinions regarding reorganization. Council had before them a copy of the full text of the <br /> letter that was sent to the SCCOE Committee on School District Organization detailing <br /> the GO plan. <br /> MacMillan reviewed the four common goals that were the keystone of the GO Plan. <br /> They included: 1) Preserve existing school choices; 2) Make the border porous; 3) <br /> Improve LAH representation; and, 4) Strive for a win-win solution for BCS. MacMillan <br /> explained that the citizen group had selected the words behind the major goals with great <br /> care in the hopes that the districts would change their basic approach to the Hills and <br /> "see" all Los Altos Hills students and all Los Altos Hills public school properties and <br /> make their business decisions accordingly. The first three goals were the initial targets of <br /> the group, with the realization that if the first three were not achieved,the fourth goal had <br /> minimal chance of success. <br /> MacMillan offered that the opening of Bullis-Purissima school was the first step and not <br /> the final solution. Every non-LAH student attending the school was a step away from <br /> having a neighborhood school. The citizen group also agreed that an open-enrollment <br /> charter was not a neighborhood school and was a problem. <br /> • MacMillan concluded the presentation by noting that the supporters of the GO Plan <br /> would continue to seek closure for the Plan topics from the responsible parties and to that <br /> 5 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> March 8,2007 <br />