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Additional duties would include attendance and reporting of the Districts Board <br /> p g <br /> meetings. <br /> 4) The exploration of territory transfers. Jones noted that he was not seeking <br /> Council action on this recommendation at tonight's Council meeting. <br /> Hesuggested that the Council wait until the negotiating team had an opportunity <br /> to continue their dialogue with the Districts and evaluate what future actions <br /> were taken by the Districts to implement the verbal promises that had been <br /> made. Jones explained that the option of territory transfers would not have the <br /> numerous obstacles that confronted district reorganization. He suggested that if <br /> the Council did move forward with exploration of the option in the future, the <br /> first logical step would be a survey of the Los Altos Hills residents in LASD as <br /> to their interest in being part of PAUSD. Jones added that this was a potential <br /> long term solution to the education issue and there was no urgency associated <br /> with the recommendation. He suggested it would be appropriate to revisit the <br /> suggestion after the attendance boundaries were fmalized by the LASD in June. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Mordo, seconded by Jones and <br /> passed unanimously to disband the Ad Hoc Committee on District Reorganization. <br /> Council concurred with the recommendation to establish a new Education Standing <br /> Committee chartered with monitoring education issues in Town. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Jill Jensen, resident, expressed her concern that the proposed plan for Bullis school did <br /> not include the Bullis Charter School. She offered that the school had provided an <br /> excellent educational opportunity for residents and she wanted assurance that they were <br /> treated fairly. Jensen questioned the projected enrollment for Bullis and wondered what <br /> the future plans were for the extended Kindergarten. She believed that the district would <br /> move slowly to establish a true K-6 at the campus. <br /> Jones concurred with her concern about housing the all day Kindergarten permanently at <br /> the site given the tight constraints of the resource and the inability to accommodate the <br /> additional grades with the program. He noted that he was not aware of a calendar for the <br /> District's decision on the program. <br /> Duncan MacMillan, Natoma Road, urged the Council to adopt the "Go Plan" as the <br /> platform/framework for the negotiating team. The document's wording had been authored <br /> by people on both sides of the education issues and advocated that the parties think <br /> beyond Bullis for a long term solution. <br /> Kathy Evans, La Loma Drive, concurred with Council's decision to disband the AHCDR <br /> and supported the creation of a new Public Education Standing Committee that would be <br /> tasked with attending School District meetings and keeping the City Council informed. <br /> Evans urged the City Council to investigate the details of the re-opening of the Bullis <br /> school. The proposal had been amended and cut back and she was concerned that the <br /> 6 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> February 8,2007 <br />