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his presentation, Jones outlined his justifications for initiating this discussion. He <br /> believed it was of value to learn how the citizens evaluated the Council's performance on <br /> key development issues at least once every Council term and noted this would be the first <br /> time this subject had been broached during his tenure. Jones advised that he had no <br /> preconception on what the findings of the process would be but believed the process itself <br /> was of value. <br /> Councilmember Mordo suggested that it would be beneficial to survey residents on <br /> development prior to the proposed meeting. He proposed a simple survey that would <br /> identify the key issues that are of concern to residents and then focus the meeting on those <br /> issues. <br /> Councilmeinber O'Malley noted that during his first term on the Council there had been <br /> numerous late Council meetings on development issues. The incorporation of the Fast <br /> Track approval process into the site development process has been very successful and <br /> there have been few complaints regarding development the past four years. He agreed <br /> that it might be productive to review development issues every Council term but <br /> reiterated that there have been few citizen complaints regarding development. O'Malley <br /> noted that the Council and Planning Commission have been consistent in their decisions <br /> and this has been an important factor in eliminating criticism of the process. He <br /> suggested that the topic does bring out passionate comments on the issue. <br /> Mayor Warshawsky commented that resident education of the planning/development <br /> process and polling the residents for their input were both positive ideas. He favored <br /> leaving the topic broad during the initial phase and gaining an understanding of the issues <br /> would be of value. <br /> City Manager Carl Cahill advised the City Council that several public meetings would be <br /> convened for the General Plan update.including the Land Use Element. Planning <br /> Director Pedro offered that a Study Session for the General Plan Land Use Element <br /> update could be scheduled in April and May on the zoning and site development issues <br /> with a Town-wide notice sent inviting residents to participate in the discussions. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Jones requested that the discussion of his proposal be continued to the <br /> next Council meeting to afford Councilmember Kerr an opportunity to comment. He <br /> supported the use of a survey and scheduling the Town-wide meeting in conjunction with <br /> the General Plan hearings. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Jones volunteered to work on the development of the survey with City <br /> Manager Cahill and staff. Councilmember Mordo volunteered to assist with the draft <br /> survey. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Jim Abraham, resident, suggested that he agreed that it was a good idea to survey the <br /> • residents however the Council was potentially opening "Pandora's Box" with any <br /> discussion on MDA/MFA and slope issues. <br /> 11 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> January 11,2007 <br />