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Planning Director Debbie Pedro explained that the application before Council did not <br /> have any new fence proposed. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Mordo; seconded by O'Malley and <br /> passed unanimously to approve agenda item 4.4. Lands of Askarinam. <br /> 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> 5.1 Town Goals <br /> 5.1.1 Public Education: Bring the Future of Public Education to a Vote <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Jones updated the Council on the efforts of the Ad Hoc Committee on <br /> District Reorganization (AHCDR). Since the December 7`h hearing before the County <br /> Committee, they have endeavored to answer in detail the questions that had been posed <br /> by the County Committee. The written response materials had been submitted to the <br /> County. <br /> Jones noted that the County Committee at the hearing had given clear direction to the <br /> School Districts and Town to attempt a negotiated resolution to the issues. The Mayor <br /> and Mayor Pro Tem had approached Tim Justus, Superintendent, Los Altos School <br /> District (LASD) via email correspondence on December 81' to open discussions along <br /> with the Palo Alto Unified School District (PAUSD). They have continued to make <br /> contact with the involved parties to schedule a meeting. Jones suggested that this was an <br /> appropriate time for the Council to take formal action to support the negotiations. A <br /> proposed resolution would be considered during a Special Meeting scheduled tonight. <br /> Jones offered that one option for the County Committee at the January 25th hearing <br /> (continuation of the December 7, 2006 hearing) was to consider delaying their final <br /> decision if formal discussions had begun. <br /> Jones thanked the many volunteers that had spent numerous hours on the redistricting <br /> effort including Planning Commissioner Dr. Bart Carey, Kathy Evans, John Radford, <br /> Karla Jurvetson and Chris Vargas. <br /> Council discussion ensued. Councilmember Mordo questioned if it would be beneficial <br /> for the Council to agree in principle what would be an acceptable minimal solution prior <br /> to the January hearing. Jones commented that the initial process was to enter into formal <br /> discussions with the Districts. He suggested that the resolution outlined by Mordo would <br /> most likely be appropriate at a later date. Jones explained that the County Committee had <br /> not voiced an interest in establishing the specific details of an agreement however <br /> elements that could be considered in an agreement including trusteeship and territory <br /> transfers were the jurisdiction of the County Committee. He believed there was a <br /> consensus that the Town had a problem, notably the lack of a local neighborhood <br /> elementary school with equal access for all residents. At such time that formal talks <br /> commenced, Jones believed it would then be fitting for the City Council to give direction <br /> • to the Town's negotiating team. <br /> 5 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> January 11,2007 <br />