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Mayor Warshawsky added that the Bullis Charter School was an important part of the <br /> solution and should be included in the discussions and their needs identified. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Jones reported that the AHCDR was relying on volunteer time to stay <br /> within the approved budget for this phase of the reorganization process. <br /> COUNCIL ADJOURNED TO SPECIAL MEETING 8:00 P.M. <br /> COUNCIL RECONVENED REGULAR MEETING 8:05 P.M. <br /> 5.1.2 Underground Utilities: Complete Pilot Projects and Assist <br /> Underground Assessment Districts <br /> City Engineer/Public Works Director Henry Louie reported that PG&E had concluded the <br /> design phase and the Pilot Projects were on schedule. <br /> 5.1.3 Sanitary Sewers: Update and Implement the Master Plan <br /> City Manager Carl Cahill reported that the Sewer Agreement between the Town and City <br /> of Los Altos had been approved as amended by the Los Altos City Council at their last <br /> meeting. It was currently being reviewed by the respective city attorneys and would be <br /> forwarded to the City Council for their consideration at the next Council meeting. <br /> 5.1.3a Consideration of Charter for the Ad Hoc Committee on the <br /> Implementation of the Sanitary Sewer Master Plan (SSMP)- <br /> Councilmember O'Malley <br /> Council had before them a draft charter for the Ad Hoc committee that had been <br /> developed by Councilmember O'Malley. Council reviewed the charter for the advisory <br /> body and concurred that the charter as proposed by O'Malley was appropriate. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Jones, seconded by Mordo and <br /> passed unanimously to create an Ad Hoc Infrastructure Expansion Committee and adopt <br /> the charter for the committee as identified in agenda item 5.1.3a in the meeting packet. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Jones, seconded by Mordo and <br /> passed unanimously to appoint Councilmember O'Malley as Chair of the Ad Hoc <br /> Committee. <br /> The City Clerk was directed to advertise the volunteer opportunities for the newly <br /> established citizen committee. <br /> 5.1.4 Wireless Communications: Continue to Improve Town Wide <br /> Cell Coverage <br /> Planning Director Debbie Pedro provided a summary of wireless projects in Los Altos <br /> . Hills. She reported that Verizon had expressed an interest in a project at Town Hall that <br /> would be delayed until 2008 due to budget constraints. Cingular is expected to submit <br /> 6 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> January 11,2007 <br />