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two new applications in early 2007 including a proposal for a project in the western <br /> section of the Town. One proposed Cingular project was for a facility on private land and <br /> the second proposal called for a facility on Water District property. All projects would be <br /> constructed as artificial trees similar to the Town Hall cell tower. <br /> 5.1.5 Complete General Plan Review <br /> Councilmember O'Malley reported that the Ad Hoc General Plan Committee had <br /> completed their review and update of the General Plan Introduction, Conservation <br /> Element, and Open Space and Recreation Element. The General Plan documents had <br /> been forwarded to the Planning Commission for their review at their February 1, 2007 <br /> meeting. O'Malley explained that the charter for the Committee was to correct any <br /> errors; make the language readable and the Elements conforming and bring the <br /> information found in the General Plan up to date. Standing Committees had been afforded <br /> the opportunity to review and comment on the Elements during the update process. Some <br /> additional language had been suggested by the Standing Open Space Committee. It <br /> would be highlighted in the draft General Plan to ensure that the Planning Commission <br /> and City Council would be cognizant of the proposed additions. <br /> 5.1.6 Develop Plan For and Begin the Process of Approval of the Building <br /> of a New Town Park/Recreation Facility <br /> 5.1.6a Town-wide Recreation Preference Survey Update <br /> Parks and Recreation Supervisor Tod McLemore introduced this item to Council. Council <br /> had before them a draft "Public Recreation Facilities Survey". McLemore reported that <br /> the Parks and Recreation Committee had not met prior to the Council meeting and had <br /> not had an opportunity to review the survey. The survey had been developed by staff in <br /> response to the City Council's request at the December 14, 2006 meeting and was <br /> specific to developing new parks and recreational facilities. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Jones commented that he liked the short, simple survey format but <br /> wanted additional clarification language in the preface that explained that the Council <br /> was proposing to spend tax dollars on recreational facilities and was seeking input from <br /> residents on their recreational facility preference. He requested that equestrian be added <br /> to the survey options. <br /> Council discussion ensued. Councilmember Mordo suggested that it might be appropriate <br /> to include the price range for the options. Council consensus was that the goal of the <br /> survey was to identify the relative interest of residents in different recreational options <br /> Staff was directed to keep the survey simple. Residents could check their three top <br /> preferences out of the options and then identify their number one choice. It was <br /> suggested that a space for comments be added to the survey format. Councilmember <br /> O'Malley suggested that a more detailed survey could be conducted at a later date after <br /> the community's interests were identified. <br /> • <br /> 7 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> January 11,2007 <br />