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OPENED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> John Harpootlian, Anacapa Drive, commented that there were problems with the <br /> proposed survey because it did not denote the associated costs with each recreational <br /> option. He suggested that the Council consider using a pollster to review the survey <br /> questions. He had forwarded a proposal for an alternative survey to Council. <br /> Jim Abraham, resident, suggested that the survey should give an indication of where the <br /> recreational facility would be built. He noted that he favored adding horse programs to <br /> the survey. <br /> Sandy Humphries, Fremont Road, suggested that the Council consider developing a <br /> natural lake and wetlands on the Town's O'Keefe property-as a recreation facility. She <br /> believed the creation of a lake could potentially.prevent flooding in the area. <br /> Kathy Evans, La Loma, questioned if the survey would include the option for the <br /> respondents to offer their preference for a facility or make any distinctions. She noted <br /> that she would like a full size soccer field but only if it was located at the Little League <br /> fields. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Council directed staff to incorporate their suggestions into the survey, including: <br /> • additional language in the opening paragraph that explained that the City Council was <br /> considering the future expenditure of tax payer dollars for expanded recreational <br /> facilities; adding a swimming pool and equestrian facilities as options under item 1#; <br /> provide direction in the survey for the residents to select three recreation options and then <br /> to identify their.first choice; and, to adding a space for comments. Council consensus <br /> was to approve the survey as amended. <br /> 6. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 6.1 Consideration of Council Meeting Scheduled for January 25, 2007 <br /> Due to the timing conflict of the scheduled hearing before the SCCOE Committee and the <br /> regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Council consensus was to cancel the January <br /> 25, 2007 meeting. Council noted that a Special Meeting would be convened to approve <br /> the Sewer Agreement between the Town and City of Los Altos when it was received by <br /> the Town. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Jones requested that discussion of the January 22, 2007 meeting be added <br /> to the next agenda. <br /> 7. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, SUB-COMMITTEES, AND <br /> COUNCILMEMBERS ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br /> • 7.1 Councilmember Appointments to Committees and Outside Agencies <br /> 8 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> January 11,2007 <br />