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IP • <br /> RESOLUTION NO 3 2-0 5 <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br /> SUPPORTING SB 680,PROPOSING A FIVE <br /> DOLLAR SUPPLEMENT TO VEHICLE <br /> REGISTRATION FEE <br /> WHEREAS, Santa Clara County is a county within the State of California; and <br /> WHEREAS, Santa Clara County is the largest and most populous county in Northern <br /> California with highly urbanized,rural, and mountainous areas; and <br /> WHEREAS, the locally owned and operated County Expressway system, local arterials <br /> and rural county roads are the workhorses of Santa Clara County's road system, carrying <br /> the vast majority of all trips by all modes other than rail; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Caltrain rail system relieves pressure on Santa Clara County's local <br /> roadway by replacing medium distance auto trips; and <br /> WHEREAS, the County Expressways, local arterials, county roads and the Caltrain <br /> system are in need of improvement, modernization and upgrades to the traffic signal <br /> systems; and <br /> WHEREAS, state and federal funding for transportation projects have been inadequate <br /> to meet Santa Clara County's transportation needs; and <br /> WHEREAS, current local funding sources are inadequate to fill the gap; and <br /> WHEREAS, other counties within the State of California have enacted temporary <br /> supplements to the Vehicle Registration Fee (VRF) levied on vehicles registered within <br /> their borders to meet local transportation needs; and <br /> WHEREAS, SB 680 proposes a five dollar($5.00) supplement to the VRF on vehicles <br /> registered within Santa Clara County for a term of eight (8) years; and <br /> WHEREAS, SB 680 proposes to use these funds for local transportation system <br /> improvements on the County Expressway System, local arterials,rural county roads and <br /> the Caltrain system; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills wishes to submit a formal <br /> L:\engineering\COUNCIL ITEMS\2005\0407\Resolusion for Senate Bill 680.doc <br />