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Sandra Jensen, 13830 Campo Vista, believed everyone should be polite to each <br /> other and respect each other's opinions. Concerning the path next to her property <br /> she noted that it did not connect and was a dead end. <br /> Paul Jensen, 13830 Campo Vista, reiterated the comment that the path did not <br /> connect to Robleda and he suggested that the area be looked at more carefully. <br /> Craig Lund, 13826 Templeton Court, recommended keeping the path next to his <br /> property as it was an important link. <br /> Nancy Fouquet, 13470 Robleda, believed this was a cumbersome way of going <br /> through the pathway issue and she offered her services to help with a different <br /> approach. <br /> Dolly Chu, 26985 Orchard Hill Lane, asked about the. existing road pathways but <br /> was advised by Council that they were not being discussed at this meeting. <br /> Arthur Bussi, 25980 Todd Lane, stated that the path shown at the end of Todd Lane <br /> was incorrect. <br /> Doni Hubbard, 25228 La Loma Drive, commented on.the procedure and thought it <br /> was shameful that Council was making consensus decisions before everyone was <br /> given an opportunity to speak on this issue. <br /> • Rich Cassams, 27400 Altamont, stated the path next to his property was critical as <br /> it connected between Altamont and Central. <br /> Ralph Savoie, 11640 Buena Vista, stated it was important for the Town to maintain <br /> this easement as it was an important connector to Conejo. <br /> Ellen Cunningham, 27980 Central Drive, supported the comments of the previous <br /> two speakers. <br /> Doug Peterson, 26910 Dezahara Way, stated that the off-road path shown on the <br /> map went right across his property and it was impossible to use and not possible to <br /> make it useable. He believed other options were available. <br /> Tony Win commented that the path was within fifteen feet of their home and he <br /> had serious safety and privacy issues with this path in that location. <br /> Jane Danaher, Robleda, stated that this was a vital link to Bullis School. <br /> Richard Lamparter, 12864 Viscaino Road, commented that dead end roads in <br /> Town limited the circulation to residents and the circulation pattern provided by <br /> the paths was being disregarded. In his opinion the pathway easements belonged to <br /> everyone in Town. <br /> June 6, 2002 <br /> Special City Council Meeting <br /> 4 <br />