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soon as possible (high priority). Councilmember Cheng felt they should wait until they have <br /> additional information before going forward with the reduction. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion by Casey, seconded by Finn and passed by <br /> the following roll call vote to approve the resolution adjusting building permit fees for new <br /> residences and direct staff to conduct an in-depth analysis of planning, building, and <br /> engineering fees and prepare a revised fee schedule for Council consideration. <br /> AYES: Mayor, Fenwick, Councilmember O'Malley, Finn, Casey <br /> NOES: Councilmember Cheng <br /> 5.3 Proposed Planning Commission recommendations for amending the Site <br /> Development and Subdivision Ordinance with regard to conservation easements, <br /> driveways and fences <br /> Discussion ensued regarding Conservation easements. <br /> The Planning Director introduced the amendment regarding conservation easements providing <br /> an aerial photo of the Town and the General Plan Diagram of the Town indicating open space <br /> preserve, open space conservation area, recreation area (public and private), residential, <br /> institutions, commercial, and industrial park. He noted the changes proposed will not increase <br /> the yield on subdivisions. Councilmember Cheng felt the definition was very subjective, <br /> requesting it be more black and white. The Planning Director stated some subjectivity is <br /> • needed as each lot reviewed is different. <br /> Ginger Summit, 13390 Lenox Way, was concerned with any changes that may occur to what <br /> is allowed within a conservation easement with the proposed amendments. She asked what <br /> will be protected and what will be allowed. The Planning Director noted that there will be <br /> public hearings at the Commission and Council level. <br /> Scott Vanderlip, 13851 Fremont Pines Lane, thought conservation easements were very <br /> important. It appears some areas will now be developed which may cause erosion. Some <br /> areas will be out of this area that should not be built on. <br /> Sandy Humphries, 26238 Fremont Road, stated the healthy ecosystem in town is responsible <br /> for the healthy wildlife. The conservation easement amendment is a drastic change. <br /> Protecting the oak woodlands is vital to the wildlife as well as keeping conservation easements <br /> over creeks. <br /> Councilmember O'Malley was on the committee reviewing this item. The committee did not <br /> have a recommendation for the degree of slope for a conservation easement; they left it to the <br /> Planning Commission who came up with a 40% slope. He would prefer 30% (he could live <br /> with 40%, but a 50% slope made him nervous). The Planning Director noted that they were <br /> recommending an average slope which is different from a regular slope. <br /> June 20, 2002 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 5 <br />