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Bill Kerns, 11888 Francemont Drive, had reviewed the General Plan and felt staff did an <br /> excellent job with evaluating the open space areas and with the definition. The ordinance, as <br /> written, is consistent with the General Plan. He suggested leaving it up to the Planning <br /> Commission to determine the appropriate percentage of slope to use. <br /> Councilmember Casey voiced support of the staff recommendation. Councilmember Cheng <br /> felt they would be looking at the big picture with the conservation map. The Planning <br /> Director stated this change will not increase development as the town formula controls <br /> development. It does provide more flexibility as it will connect more large areas and protect <br /> water shed areas. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion by Casey, seconded by Finn and passed by <br /> consensus to accept staff s recommendation and bring the conservation easement question into <br /> conformance with the General Plan and direct staff to prepare a draft ordinance to be reviewed <br /> by the Planning Commission and City Council. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding driveways. <br /> Bill Kerns, 11888 Francemont Drive, noted that staff had added the last sentence in (g) , not <br /> the committee, which was addressed by the Planning Director. <br /> jJim Abraham, 12831 Viscano Road, discussed the fire department recommendations for <br /> driveway widths asking if they should allow the fire department to dictate how houses and <br /> driveways are built. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion by Casey, seconded by Finn and passed by <br /> consensus to direct staff and the Planning Commission to draft the appropriate ordinance <br /> amendment regarding driveways as noted in the staff report. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the proposed code section for fences. There was a suggestion to <br /> remove "and constructed with cross bars". Mayor Fenwick discussed Item(1) stating it was <br /> not needed. <br /> Al Whaley, 26925 Taaffe Road, would like to erect an eight foot fence on his property to keep <br /> the deer out. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion by Finn, seconded by Casey and passed by <br /> the following roll call vote to direct Staff and the Planning Commission to draft the <br /> appropriate ordinance amendment regarding fences as noted in the staff report, deleting "and <br /> constructed with cross bars" in item three (3), leaving item(1) as submitted. <br /> AYES: Councilmembers Cheng, O'Malley, Finn and Casey <br /> NOES: Mayor Fenwick <br /> 6. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 6.1 Approval of Council Policy on Town-wide mailings <br /> June 20, 2002 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 6 <br />