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• Dot Schreiner, 14301 Saddle Mountain Drive, commented that she is in agreement with Mr. <br /> Alfinito's concern with the size of this home. She added that this would set the stage for future <br /> development and would relax the Town's grading policy. <br /> Frank Lloyd, 12823 Brendel, stated that the project is visible from his property and Council <br /> would be wise to defer any decision to the new Council. <br /> Sandra Humphries, 26238 Fremont Road, suggested that living close to the construction site of <br /> this home could impact the quality of life of neighbors with the noise created by heavy trucks <br /> and the grading. <br /> William Downey, 14330 DeBell, stated his concerns that an economic downturn could impact <br /> the market for large estate properties. <br /> Breene Kerr, 27261 Sherlock, addressed the issue of the substantial grading to be done on this <br /> site. He felt additional study would be appropriate for this application. Kerr added that he felt <br /> this project was in direct conflict with the Town's grading policy and would set a precedent for <br /> future projects. <br /> Paul Hogan, attorney representing neighbor Terry Egger, commented that he felt the project <br /> dictated further review and requested the application be sent back to the Planning Commission. <br /> John Fryer, soils engineer consultant for the applicant, explained to Council that the soils on site <br /> • are suitable for fill. He added that all geotechnical and draining issues would be resolved during <br /> the grading and building stage. <br /> Pong Ng, project architect, 1513 Fairway, Los Altos, briefed the Council on the design aspects of <br /> this residence. Noting the detail of the low profile of the home and the fact that 40% of the <br /> living space will be contained in the basement, Mr. Ng added that the Town has historically <br /> encouraged basements be built to reduce the height and bulk of homes. <br /> Sonia Ransom, attorney for the applicants, hoped that Council would focus on the design of the <br /> home. Ms. Ransom discussed her letter that had been faxed to Council late 11/21/02 that <br /> detailed her reasons for concluding that the Chan residence falls within the categorical exemption <br /> for single-family homes under CEQA. <br /> Steve Bristow, 11235 Hilltop Drive, suggested Council should change policies instead of making <br /> concessions to applicants. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Cheng requested clarification on the question of setting a precedent tonight with <br /> a decision to allow the grading for this project. The City Attorney explained that Council had the <br /> discretion to approve this item and in the future would have to treat similar applications equally. <br /> They could,however,review each project's merit on a case-by-case basis. <br /> Councilmember Casey noted that she was in support of this application for the following reasons: <br /> • the Town's grading policy is not an ordinance and each situation that is reviewed is unique; the <br /> home design is unobtrusive and fits beautifully on the site; the geotechnical and engineering <br /> 10 November 21, 2002 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br />