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• consultants have redesigned the plans to keep more of the soil on site; experts will be on site <br /> during the grading process; and the allowable subdivision development for this property would <br /> have more of a negative impact than the proposed cut of 27 feet for a single residence. <br /> Councilmember Finn noted that he was in favor of this project adding that a subdivision on the <br /> site with the possibility of 6 new homes with 6 basements would be much more disruptive than a <br /> single home. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Cheng commented that she is not opposed to the size of the home requested by <br /> this application but could not support the project because of the amount of grading required. <br /> Councilmember O'Malley expressed his concern that the approval of this magnitude of grading <br /> would set a precedent for future applications and could not vote in favor of the project. <br /> Mayor Fenwick referred to a review checklist that had assisted him in analyzing this application. <br /> He noted that the project did not require a variance; it is not in violation of the Town's codes; the <br /> quantity of fill is within the guidelines used by the Town, grading criteria is a policy not an <br /> ordinance; and the visibility of the house is only 3 feet higher than the hill. The alternatives to <br /> the approval of this application, a subdivision with multiple building sites and the construction of <br /> roads and driveways, could be much more detrimental. The Mayor added that he had visited the <br /> site and felt the proposed residence was a far superior alternative to any other options. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Finn and passed by <br /> the following roll call vote to uphold the Planning Commission's approval for a site development <br /> • permit for a new residence, and pool with the modification of the Conditions of Approval to <br /> include the most recent grading and soils plans. <br /> AYES: Mayor Fenwick and Councilmembers Casey andFinn <br /> NOES: Councilmember O'Malley and Mayor Pro Tem Cheng <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> ABSTAIN None <br /> 12. CLOSED SESSION: REAL ESTATE NEGOTIATIONS: CONFERENCE WITH REAL <br /> PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR: PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION <br /> 54956.8: Properly: 26375 Fremont Road: Negotiators: Maureen Cassingham,City <br /> Manager and Steve Mattas,Ci1y Attomgy: Under negotiation: Lease <br /> This item was continued to a future meeting <br /> 13. ADJOURNMENT <br /> There being no further new or old business to discuss, the City Council Meeting was <br /> adjourned at 9:04 p.m. <br /> Re pectfully submitted, <br /> wren J st <br /> City erk <br /> The minutes of the December 5, 2002 Regular City Council Meeting were approved at <br /> • the November 21, 2002 Regular City Council Meeting. <br /> November 21, 2002 <br /> 11 Regular City Council Meeting <br />