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PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> 11.1 Approval of revised schedule for"Fees, Deposits, Charges for Service and <br /> Other Assessments" -Reso # 106-02 <br /> Administrative Services Director, Sarah Joiner introduced this item. Joiner explained that she <br /> had reviewed alternative methods of recovering costs as directed by Council at their October 18, <br /> 2002 Meeting. She reported on her meetings to evaluate different options with Councilmember <br /> O'Malley and Finance Committee Chairman Frank Lloyd and thanked them for their assistance <br /> and guidance. <br /> Council had before them a staff report that detailed the proposed revised fee schedule which is <br /> based on a revenue/cost match up. Fees are set at a rate which is intended to recover budgeted <br /> expenditures for permitting activities. This formula, instead of basing fees on an hourly rate as <br /> previously proposed, is based on estimating the amount of permitting activity during the course <br /> of a year and determining the average revenue per permit that would be needed to generate <br /> enough income to cover department costs. <br /> The fee study performed by Maximus indicated that the Town was overcharging for building <br /> permits. This proposed schedule reduces building permit fees by 41%. The study also <br /> determined that the fees for planning and engineering services were under-recovered and with <br /> this fee schedule the fees for planning will increase by 25% and engineering fees will increase by <br /> 56.25%. <br /> • The Administrative Services Director added that with the new fee schedule, the revenue <br /> generated by building, planning and engineering would be reduced by approximately <br /> $150,000.00 per year. This is an estimated reduction that will need to be addressed with mid- <br /> year budget adjustments. <br /> Council thanked Joiner for her efforts. Councilmember Casey added that it had been a goal of <br /> hers and Councilmember Finn to have fees that reflect actual costs and she commended the <br /> Administrative Services Director on her report. Councilmember O'Malley discussed the process <br /> that had been undertaken to achieve this final schedule and make the building permit fees more <br /> equitable. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved Councilmember Casey, seconded by <br /> O'Malley and passed unanimously to adopt Resolution 106-02 to adopt the revised schedule for <br /> "Fees, Deposits, Charges for Service and Other Assessments". <br /> 11.2 Appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to revoke the height variance <br /> (116-00-ZP-SD-GD-VAR) and deny the request for a Site Development Permit <br /> (179-02-ZP-SD) for a new single-family residence (and basement) (maximum <br /> vertical building height 40 feet) (overall height 50 feet measured from highest <br /> ridge to basement pad). The proposed new single family residence is intended <br /> to replicate the 5,700 square foot historic home that was on the property and <br /> recently demolished without the benefit of city approval,Lands of Campbell& <br /> Ligeti, 13902 Campo Vista Lane. <br /> November 21, 2002 <br /> 8 Regular City Council Meeting <br />