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9.10 Path Issue (Councilmember Cheng) <br /> Cheng referred to the issue of a pathway being blocked on her property and the former <br /> City Manager's report that this had been reviewed and there were no violations. She <br /> asked that the Pathways Committee receive copies of this report as there still seemed to <br /> be some who were saying violations existed. <br /> 10. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> Rick Hyman, Summerhill Avenue, asked Council to enforce the Town's Noise <br /> Ordinance. He was having a problem with his neighbor and her rooster waking him at all <br /> hours and although there was an ordinance in place he was not getting any resolution to <br /> the problem. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Johnson and <br /> passed unanimously to add this item to the agenda as an urgency item. <br /> Staff advised Council that they were working with the parties involved and hoped <br /> agreement could be reached. A notice of nuisance abatement had been filed and if <br /> mediation did not resolve the problem, a public hearing would be scheduled for the July <br /> 20`x' Council Meeting. <br /> • Mr. Hyman further noted that they would try mediation again but he wanted the nuisance <br /> abatement process to proceed in case mediation did not work. <br /> Council assured Mr. Hyman that the process would continue. They also asked staff to <br /> obtain another noise meter reading from the Sheriff's Department if the matter went to a <br /> public hearing. <br /> Jim Steiner, 14195 Wild Plum, thanked Dauber for all of her work as Mayor during the <br /> past year. <br /> Luis Yanez, 26879 Moody, referred to the Mayor's goals as stated at the beginning of the <br /> meeting. He concurred with these goals and further suggested that the building permit <br /> fees be eliminated for residents building sewers. Mr. Yanez also supported bringing plan <br /> check in house as he believed this would eliminate redundancy. <br /> 11. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> 11.1 Adoption of proposed Town Budget for the fiscal year 2000-01 and the <br /> Appropriations Limit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 and amending <br /> the Town's Compensation Schedule for Fiscal Year 2000-1 -- <br /> Resolutions# <br /> • <br /> June 15, 2000 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 11 <br />