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• the number of variances but may even increase these requests. They were hoping to <br /> increase their home from about 2,300 to 4,000 and found the planning and permit process <br /> difficult. Rules can be confusing as exemplified by the fact that he could not find out if <br /> this ordinance would apply to their lot or not. <br /> Ken Olcott12950 Brendel Drive believed the ordinance needed morep unch. Incentives <br /> should also be in place. For example, staff should be allowed to give people options such <br /> as allowing them to use turf block. He supported helping people minimize the non- <br /> countable space. <br /> Kaiman Lee, 26799 Magdalena Road, stated that he had bought a 1 and '/2 acre lot with a <br /> .7 luf in 1989. He had been waiting to proceed with his plans for a variety of reasons <br /> including financial and if the rules were changed now he would be very upset. <br /> Furthermore, if the carport was now included, his numbers would be reduced even more. <br /> Even if there was a grace period, he would still feel pressured to complete his project <br /> quickly. Mr. Lee highly recommended making the rules easier to understand for the <br /> public. <br /> Tom Larch, 11640 Summitwood Road, questioned the proposed reduction from 4,000 to <br /> 3,500 square feet. He did not get a sense that this was a real problem in Town and people <br /> were saying that the 4,000 square foot homes were too big. Concerning quarter and half- <br /> acre lots, he believed that the Town may just have to treat these as exceptions and deal <br /> with them that way. <br /> Council agreed that more work needed to be done on the ordinance and the following <br /> issues also needed to be looked at: intent of slope density ordinance, 60' road right of way, <br /> the counting of decks in the development area and 14' driveways instead of 10'. Dauber <br /> suggested forming a subcommittee of two Councilmembers and two Planning <br /> Commissioners to work on this ordinance but Casey disagreed stating that in her opinion it <br /> was the job of the Planning Commission to review such issues. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Johnson and <br /> passed unanimously to send the proposed ordinance amending Sections 10-1.501(b), 10- <br /> 1.502(c) and 10-1.503(c) of the Zoning Code with regard to development area, <br /> calculations for fire department turnarounds and driveway width, and with regard to <br /> allowable development area and floor area on constrained lots back to the Planning <br /> Commission for additional review and recommendation and.a report back to the Council at <br /> a future meeting. It was further directed that this Planning Commission Meeting would be <br /> noticed to the residents. <br /> 11.3 Request for a site development permit for a new residence, Lands of Vidovich, <br /> 28080 Laura Court <br /> June 15,2000 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 13 <br />