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i 2. APPOINTMENTS AND PRESENTATIONS <br /> 2.1 Presentation on Televising Council Meetings <br /> Evan Wythe, member of the Utility and Information Systems Committee, presented an <br /> overview of the committee's review and recommendations for televising Council <br /> Meetings. He also introduced Jack Sanford of VMI who had submitted a proposal for <br /> this project. The total cost for the video system, audio system and automated control <br /> system was $87,000. Dr. Wythe addressed various aspects of this project including the <br /> use of vhs tape, digital tape, delayed broadcast on cable tv and video on demand. He also <br /> addressed staff time and commitment and their recommendation that this project would <br /> require about a 1/a or 1/3 position per week. In addition Dr. Wythe commented on the <br /> broadcast expense, equipment upkeep and the maintenance and labeling of the tapes. <br /> Toward the successful implementation of this project, he noted issues that needed to be <br /> addressed which included: problems with the current cable company, staff time and <br /> personnel and the bid process. <br /> Council thanked Dr. Wythe and the committee for their hard work and commitment <br /> regarding this project. Considering the costs involved as well as other issues, they agreed <br /> that more review was needed at the staff level and input should be obtained from the <br /> residents. <br /> • Luis Yanez, 26879 Moody Road, concurred with Council's recommendation for a <br /> conservative approach to implementing this program. <br /> Dot Schreiner, 14301 Saddle Mountain, suggested finding out how many requests are <br /> received for copies of the tapes of the Council and Planning Commission Meetings. <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To refer this issue to the Acting City Manager for his <br /> review and recommendation. Council further noted that this would be a good question <br /> for the Town Survey(options and costs of televising meetings). <br /> 2.2 Report from the Airport Noise Subcommittee and Proposed Response to <br /> Airport Monitor Environmental Assessment <br /> Jim Abraham, member of the Airport Noise Subcommittee, asked the Council to send a <br /> letter to the Federal Aviation Administration and congressional representatives <br /> expressing the view that the draft Environmental Assessment for the Simultaneous Offset <br /> Instrument Approach/Precision Runway Monitor Project dated March 20, 2000 was <br /> flawed in at least section 4.1 on noise. He further recommended that the Town request a <br /> full Environmental Impact Statement that addressed the true noise impact on Los Altos <br /> Hills, specifically to consider the flight path over the ground, aircraft speed control, <br /> aircraft altitude along the flight path, aircraft types and peak and average noise levels. <br /> • The City Attorney noted that San Jose was taking the lead for the cities in the County on <br /> this issue. <br /> June 15, 2000 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 3 <br />