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• MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dauber, seconded by Johnson and <br /> passed unanimously to direct the City Attorney and Acting Planning Director to prepare a <br /> letter as requested by Mr. Abraham. <br /> 2.3 Interviews and Appointments to Planning Commission <br /> Council had received four applications for the two seats on the Planning Commission: <br /> Eric Clow, Fred Fallah, Sandra Humphries and Janet Vitu. <br /> Janet Vitu, 13826 Moon Lane, stated that she had lived in Town for five years and had <br /> gone through the subdivision and building process so she was familiar with the issues. <br /> She also noted her background in business administration and mechanical engineering. <br /> Concerning her land use philosophy, Ms. Vitu supported upholding the majority opinions <br /> and stated that she believed the ordinances should be objective and consistently <br /> administered. She also believed that educating everyone involved about the ordinances <br /> was important. <br /> Sandra Humphries, 26238 Fremont Road, commented that she was serving on the <br /> Environmental Design and Protection Committee and had regularly attended both <br /> Planning Commission and City Council Meetings. She noted that her land use <br /> philosophy included upholding the values of open space and natural habitats for trees, <br /> plants and animals. Ms. Humphries believed in enforcing the ordinances but also in <br /> clarifying these ordinances so there would be less questions raised. <br /> Eric Clow, 27660 Red Rock Road, stressed consistency as the critical element of a <br /> smooth planning process. He believed this included for steps: consistent ordinances and <br /> policies, consistent staff, consistent Planning Commission and consistent Council. He <br /> also supported the rustic nature of the Town, the one acre minimum zoning and the <br /> pathways. Mr. Clow believed the ordinances needed to be enforced and this was essential <br /> if the ordinances were consistent. <br /> Fred Fallah, 12374 Priscilla Lane, wanted to contribute to an environment that was <br /> sustainable. He believed the ordinances should be enforced and consistency and <br /> education were important. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Johnson and <br /> passed unanimously to appoint Eric Clow and Janet Vitu to the Planning Commission <br /> each for four year terms ending June 30, 2004. <br /> 2.4 Appointments to Community Relations Committee and Recreation and Parks <br /> Committee <br /> Karen Emerzian, 11670 Dawson Drive, expressed her interest in serving on the <br /> Community Relations Committee. <br /> June 15, 2000 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 4 <br />