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establishing appropriate encroachment permit fees for the variety of encroachment <br /> conditions encountered: project review $300, plan check - $150 per drawing or sketch - <br /> $150 minimum, construction inspection- $1.76/feet of trench- $176 minimum, and street <br /> impact - $4.80/feet of trench - $60 minimum; and direct staff to investigate and <br /> recommend to the City Council an appropriate method to collect fees for construction in <br /> the public right of way to include Town costs and the impact of construction in public <br /> streets. <br /> 5.2 Discussion of path in lieu fees <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To continue this discussion to the next Council Meeting. <br /> Casey did note that the fees should covers the costs and Dauber recommended the <br /> residents be given the option of putting in the path if they wanted to. <br /> 6. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 6.1 Approval of General Plan Survey Questions <br /> Paul Crawford, representing Crawford Multari Clark & Mohr, commented that it had <br /> been a pleasure working with the Land Use Committee and staff on the survey project <br /> • before Council at this time. He also commented in general on the number of questions <br /> that should be included in a survey to encourage a willingness to participate. In general <br /> this is no more than four pages. <br /> Johnson thought this was an excellent questionnaire but believed some of the questions <br /> were duplicates of those asked in the census and were of no use to the Town. These <br /> questions included those referring to age, gender, race and income. Casey believed it was <br /> important that the terminology used should be understandable to the residents. For <br /> example a resident may not understand what was meant by outdoor lighting, off-road and <br /> on-road paths and basements as these terms were used by the Town and in the survey. <br /> Dauber believed current policy and how it was implemented needed to be distinguished. <br /> She also suggested a cross reference between the primer and the survey. <br /> Council thanked the consultant for his work on this survey. They thought it was a good <br /> start but needed more review and comment and modification before finalized. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Johnson and <br /> passed unanimously to send the community survey to the Planning Commission for <br /> review and comment and report back to the Council. Council further directed that the <br /> consultant did not need to participate in this level of review by the Planning Commission. <br /> In addition it was agreed Councilmembers would send their comments on this issue to the <br /> Planning Commission. <br /> June 15, 2000 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 8 <br />