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MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Finn, seconded by Cheng and <br /> passed unanimously to approve the request for a site development permit for a new <br /> residence and detached garage with an office studio above, on the lower level, <br /> Lands of Kerns, 11890 Francemont, as shown on the revised plans submitted by the <br /> applicant, subject to the conditions of approval stated in attachment 1 of the 6/1/00 <br /> staff report with the amendment to condition #16 that the applicant would work <br /> with the Pathways Committee on the placement of the path. <br /> 11.4 Request for approval of a site development permit for a new residence, <br /> Lands of Le and Do, 24018 Oak Knoll Circle <br /> Johnson said he was uncomfortable with the way this application had come to the <br /> Council in that there was no recommendation from the Planning Commission. <br /> Casey stated that she appealed this continuance by the Planning Commission <br /> because she did not agree at all that this project should be redesigned. The Planning <br /> Commission had not even met with the architect and/or the applicant to discuss it <br /> and the oak tree was not in danger. Finn stated that a redesign was basically a <br /> denial and Council had just realized that they were able to appeal continuances. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND FAILED: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Dauber <br /> and failed by the following roll call vote to continue this item and send it back to the <br /> Planning Commission for recommendation. <br /> • AYES: Mayor Dauber and Councilmember Johnson <br /> NOES: Mayor Pro Tem Finn and Councilmembers Casey and Cheng <br /> Mark Godby, applicant's architect, addressed the project and stated that they <br /> believed it to be a well thought out design that fit the lot. Concerning the oak tree <br /> they had checked with the arborist who had stated that the proposed location of the <br /> house would not negatively affect the oak tree. He also referred to the covered rear <br /> terraces which had arched openings on three sides. He noted that these arches could <br /> be increased if necessary. Mr. Godby noted that the house had been stepped down <br /> the hill to make it less visible. <br /> Carl Cahill, Associate Planner, responded to a comment made that staff had directed <br /> the applicant to take off part of the oak tree to put up the story poles. He stated that <br /> staff would not have given such direction and he requested clarification of this <br /> statement from the architect. In addition the Associate Planner recommended that if <br /> Council had any concerns about a project they should ask staff for clarification. <br /> Mark Godby, applicant's architect, in response to an inquiry from Council, stated <br /> that he would have given the Planning Commission the same presentation he was <br /> now giving the Council. He also responded to the Associate Planner's comments by <br /> noting that it was heresay from the person employed to put in the story poles that <br /> staff had told him to trim the oak tree. <br /> June 1, 2000 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 10 <br />