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5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> 5.1 Continued discussion of status of ownership of Almaden Court <br /> This item was continued at the request of the residents on Almaden Court. <br /> 5.2 Sanitary Sewer Lift Station Study <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Johnson and <br /> passed unanimously to determine that sanitary sewer lift stations may be used to <br /> provide sanitary sewer service to properties in Town and that they shall be privately <br /> constructed but that they may be maintained by the Town depending upon the number <br /> of properties that they serve. Council further approved the installation of a generator <br /> for the proposed lift station at the Ascari subdivision on Elena Road. <br /> 5.3 Grant of conservation easement, Lands of Robertson, 12080 Kate Drive -- <br /> Reso # <br /> 5.4 Grant of conservation easement, Lands of Mittelman, 12100 Kate Drive— <br /> Reso # <br /> Casey believed that the Town had erred when requiring these conservation easements <br /> • and the issue should be revisited. She further believed that all of the conservation <br /> easements in the Quarry Subdivision should be looked at. <br /> The Planning Director reported that these conservation easements were not just a <br /> condition of approval for the individual homes. They were also a mitigation measure in <br /> the Environmental Impact Report for the Quarry Subdivision. To change this condition <br /> would require review by outside agencies including Fish and Game and comment by the <br /> downstream neighbors. If these applicants were allowed to continue building their <br /> homes, they would be doing so without being in compliance with the conditions of the <br /> Environmental Impact Report. <br /> Sandra Humphries, member of the Environmental Design and Protection Agency, noted <br /> that these conservation easements provided a natural trail for habitat even if the <br /> creekbed was dry. <br /> Brenda and Harry Mittelman, applicants, each addressed the Council concerning this <br /> conservation easement issue. They noted that there was a 101 foot conservation <br /> easement behind their property but their issue was with the dirt conservation easement <br /> before the creek. They did not think it was logical and prevented them from access to <br /> the hill beyond. They asked Councilmembers to come out to the property to get a better <br /> understanding of what they meant. <br /> June 1, 2000 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 4 <br />