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Gary Cleary, 26410 Silent Hills Lane, thanked Council for not accepted the string bean <br /> lot on the Lands of LeFevre. He urged Council to keep in mind definitions and <br /> terminology that would avoid future confusion. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Finn, seconded by Casey and <br /> passed unanimously to waive further reading of the ordinance, adopt the negative <br /> declaration and introduce the ordinance of the Town of Los Altos Hills amending <br /> Section 10-1.501 (Minimum parcel size) of the Zoning Code and Section 9-1.604 (Lot <br /> Size and Requirements) of the Subdivision Code with regard to the shapes of parcels <br /> with the following change to section 2(i): sixty feet should be changed to 30 feet. <br /> 11.2 Request for approval of landscape plan and for modification of tentative <br /> Map conditions for Matadero Creek Subdivision to permit development <br /> area of 1,334 square feet in excess of allowable maximum, Lands of Jain, <br /> 28510 Matadero Creek Lane <br /> Mr. Jain, applicant, addressed the Council and explained why they wanted approval of <br /> 9,716 square feet of additional development area instead of the 9,000 approved by the <br /> Planning Commission. He reviewed a brief history of the lots in the Matadero Creek <br /> Subdivision and urged equitable treatment for all lots. <br /> Bob Lefkowits, 28515 Matadero Creek Lane, thanked the Planning Director for all of <br /> • his work on the Matadero Creek Subdivision. It had always been a confusing issue but <br /> the report accepted by Council last year clarified the allowed development on each lot. <br /> Mr. Lefkowits believed if Council at this time allowed the 9,716 requested by the Jains <br /> it would be prededent setting. He supported the 9,000 square feet approved by the <br /> Planning Commission as a fair decision to all. <br /> Charlie Ellinger, 28520 Matadero Creek Lane, commented that the Jains have always <br /> known the allowed development area on their lot and had always pushed the numbers. <br /> She believed the Planning Commission's approval of 9,000 square feet was more than <br /> fair. <br /> Sandra Humphries, 26238 Fremont, commented on the Jains' plans to put in a deck and <br /> noted that the impact of the fill from this development on the oak tree was unknown. <br /> Rick Ellinger, 28520 Matadero Creek Lane, suggested looking at the request on a <br /> design and need basis and not just looking at the development numbers. He believed if <br /> the basis of an approval of this request was not based on design and/or need it would be <br /> precedent setting. <br /> Mrs. Jain, applicant, agreed with using common sense when considering their request. <br /> It was a very small percentage of the lot and had no impact on the neighbors. No fill <br /> would be involved because their arborist did not recommend this. Mrs. Jain also stated <br /> that she would like to put the screening in with the landscaping. She could work this <br /> out with staff and put down a deposit for what staff decided was necessary. <br /> June 1, 2000 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 8 <br />