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Washington. The deadline for accepting bids had been extended to allow conversations to take <br /> place at an upcoming conference in New Orleans. Mr. Kinley apologized to the Council for any <br /> inconvenience. He noted that they had to turn the system over to someone who had the financial <br /> capability to expand and upgrade the cable system. In response to comments by Council on <br /> complaints received regarding service, Mr. Kinley stated that they were indeed still responsible <br /> for maintaining the service and were responding to service requests. He asked Council to <br /> forward to his attention the names and phone numbers of anyone filing a complaint concerning <br /> cable services. <br /> 3. PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT <br /> The Planning Director reported on the following application discussed at the 4/26/00 Planning <br /> Commission Meeting: Lands of Birnbaum, 27760 Edgerton Road: request for a site development <br /> permit modification requesting deletion of a condition of approval which required the installation <br /> of a IIB path adjacent to Edgerton Road — directed staff to work with applicant and Pathway <br /> Committee to determine location of path. In addition an ordinance was discussed prohibiting <br /> irregularly shaped lots and this matter was scheduled to be heard by the City Council at a public <br /> hearing on June 1St. An ordinance on constrained lots was also discussed and the Planning <br /> Director asked for direction on when Council wanted to schedule this public hearing and what <br /> notification they wanted done. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Finn and passed <br /> unanimously to schedule a public hearing on the ordinance concerning constrained lots for the <br /> • June 15th Council Meeting, to send a notice to all residents, to include a notice in the Town <br /> Newsletter and to send press releases to both the Civic Association and the Hills 2000. It was <br /> further agreed that the Planning Director would email a copy of the proposed notice to the <br /> Council for comment. <br /> 4. CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> Items Removed: 4.1 —3/16/00 and 4/6/00 minutes (Casey), 4.3 and 4.6 (request from applicants <br /> to continue to next meeting), 4.5 (Dauber) and 4.6 (removed from agenda—request withdrawn) <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Finn and passed <br /> unanimously to approve the balance of the Consent Calendar, specifically: <br /> 4.1 Approved Minutes: March 22, 2000 (Special Meeting) <br /> March 31, 2000 (Special Meeting) <br /> 4.2 Accepted Investment Report for the Quarter ended 3/31/00 <br /> 4.4 Approved request for a lot line adjustment, 26401 and 26411 Eshner Court, <br /> Lands of LeFevre and Yanez <br /> • <br /> May 4, 2000 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 2 <br />