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• Nobuko Cleary, 26410 Silent Hills Lane, made the following statement to the Council <br /> concerning the LeFevres' property. She stated that the flooding of the Pacific Bell <br /> underground phone box located at the intersection of Eshner Court and Altamont Road was <br /> caused by water runoff coming into the box that was located in the LeFevre Subdivision. <br /> The watershed was located near the boundary of the Chens. She further stated that they had <br /> the only phone located inside of the LeFevre Subdivision and one of the conditions of <br /> approval for the LeFevre Subdivision was to assure that their utilities would be intact before <br /> the subdivision was approved. She did not feel the problem had been solved since their <br /> phone lines had been out several times even with the underground connection nor did she <br /> feel the problem would be solved until the watershed was diverted away from the <br /> underground telephone box. Mrs. Cleary stated that these outages always occurred during <br /> the rains and the flooding also affected their security alarm system. She noted that they <br /> would be glad to work with the Town to remedy this situation. Mrs. Cleary also addressed <br /> the fence issue and stated that they would prefer no fence at all but the proposed fence with <br /> sections removed was unsightly and served no real purpose other than to vex and annoy <br /> them. <br /> Anthony Ley, 26850 Ortega Drive, did not believe the fence should have been put up in the <br /> first place. He also commented that while the removal of the fence sections might meet the <br /> letter of the law it certainly did not meet the intent. <br /> Harry Price, applicant's attorney, commented that the LeFevres and their neighbors the <br /> • Clearys had been involved in three lawsuits and attempted resolution of the differing <br /> opinions was ongoing. <br /> Johnson stated that he was not pleased with the resolution of this fence issue. He thought <br /> the fence was ugly and the LeFevres could have arrived at a better, more neighbor friendly <br /> solution. Dauber concurred with Johnson's comments. Finn hoped that when this lot was <br /> sold the new neighbors and the Clearys would be good neighbors. Casey noted that the <br /> LeFevres' fence met the definition of fence as stated in the Town's Code. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Finn and passed <br /> unanimously to adopt Resolution #18-00 accepting the Eshner Court Subdivision <br /> Improvements, Parcel Map 711, Maps 49-50, Lands of LeFevre. <br /> 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> 5.1 Discussion of privacy issues related to parcel data base information available on <br /> the Town's Webpage <br /> Casey and Dauber expressed their concerns about the privacy issue. Dauber noted that the <br /> information on the parcel data base was not current and Casey commented that the parcel <br /> March 16, 2000 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 4 <br />