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Bob Fenwick, 28011 Elena, supported the guidelines proposed by the Water District. He <br /> commented on the increase of water usage and the allotment issue and noted that adoption of <br /> these guidelines was good public relations. <br /> Roy Rogers, Briones Way, noted that he had received the letter from the Water District on these <br /> proposed guidelines and the invitation to submit comments and/or attend this meeting. However, <br /> there had been a turnaround time of only about one day to submit comments and he believed this <br /> issue was an important one and should be given more time for review. Mr. Rogers believed these <br /> guidelines were well intentioned but not the best way to deal with the issue. In part he <br /> questioned what `extensively remodeled' meant and also noted that at the rate of 50-60 homes a <br /> year it would take years to make an impact. He believed common sense should be used and more <br /> education was needed on voluntary conservation measures. <br /> Jan Fenwick, President—Board of Directors—Purissima Hills Water District, commented that a <br /> Special Council Meeting had been held in June, 1999 at which time these water issues were <br /> discussed. This was not a new concern. The guidelines proposed by the Water District were the <br /> same as those used in Hillsborough. She further stressed the importance of informing the new <br /> owners of the need for water conservation. <br /> Eric Clow, Red Rock Road, supported using a pricing mechanism—higher water users pay more <br /> • but he did not support establishing another layer of bureaucracy. He also recommended an <br /> increase in the use of wells. Mr. Clow noted that the residents needed to be educated because if <br /> there was not enough water in the next drought,the high users were going to loose their <br /> extensive landscaping. <br /> Jean Struthers,member Environmental Design and Protection Committee, suggested that these <br /> guidelines be included with the current Town landscaping information that high water usage <br /> plantings should not be used. She also inquired about vineyards and was advised by Mr. Walter <br /> that vineyards were very water efficient. <br /> Bill Krause, Westwind Way, stated that water conservation was an important issue and the Town <br /> should carefully review and evaluate the options. He noted that only 4% of the total amount of <br /> water in the State was used by residents. Mr. Krause believed that the Purissima Hills Water <br /> District had an allocation problem and they should start taking steps to improve their allocation. <br /> Mr. Krause further noted that the California Water District did not appear to be experiencing <br /> allocation issues. <br /> Sandra Humphries, 26238 Fremont Road, noted that most landscapers choose the plantings and <br /> since it was difficult to get native plants wholesale these plants were not regulary selected. She <br /> believed these guidelines would be helpful when selecting landscaping. Ms. Humphries also <br /> suggested not allowing the new residents to remove so much of the landscaping when doing their <br /> projects. <br /> January 20, 2000 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 4 / <br />