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Dauber felt that it was unreasonable to ask a candidate to have to run for election twice in one <br /> year. Since the Council did not know exactly when Councilmember Siegel would be leaving,the <br /> Council could just wait until he knew for sure and then they could appoint someone when he did <br /> leave. <br /> Betsy Bertram, 11854 Page Mill Road, did not support a March Special Election. She believed <br /> this was too tight a time frame for needed campaign fundraising and the election should not be <br /> based on which candidate had access to more money. <br /> Janet Vitu, 13828 Moon Lane, supported a March Special Election as she believed the voters <br /> should decide. <br /> Millie Gallo, 25720 La Lanne Court, did not support a March Special Election as she thought it <br /> was too rushed and not fair to the candidates. <br /> Councilmember Siegel submitted his letter of resignation effective immediately. <br /> Councilmember Siegel stepped down from the Council. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Johnson and passed <br /> unanimously to adopt Resolution#68-99 ordering and calling a Special Municipal Election to be <br /> consolidated with the General Election on March 7, 2000 for the purpose of electing a City <br /> Councilmeinber, and ordering the election consolidated with the regularly established election to <br /> be held on the same date. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Johnson and passed <br /> unanimously to adopt Ordinance#405 as an urgency ordinance of the City Council of the Town <br /> of Los Altos Hills amending the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code by adding Article 3 (City <br /> Council Vacancies)to Chapter 1 (City Council) of Title 2 (Administration)to establish a <br /> procedure for filling City Council vacancies. <br /> Council noted that Councilmember Siegel could be appointed to fill this vacancy until the results <br /> of the March Special Election were certified or until such time as his move out of Town was <br /> finalized. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Casey and passed <br /> unanimously to adopt Resolution#69-99 appointing Bill Siegel to fill a vacant City Council Seat. <br /> 6. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 6.1 Review of annual update of Emergency Handbook—Abbreviated Guide <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dauber,seconded by Casey and passed <br /> unanimously to approve the annual update of the Emergency Handbook with the following <br /> is <br /> November 4, 1999 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 4 <br />