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was changed by the time the homes in the Quarry Hills Subdivision were ready for painting,the <br /> condition could be removed. The City Attorney suggested modifying the condition to state that if <br /> the Council changed the condition it would be deleted. It was agreed that this matter would be <br /> brought back to Council in January. <br /> 9.4 Santa Clara County Cities Association(Councilmember Johnson) <br /> Johnson noted that Mary Jane Franci, a former aide to Dianne McKenna, had recently been <br /> appointed Executive Director of the Santa Clara County Cities Association. <br /> 9.5 Designation of Brenda.Butner Memorial Tree as a Heritage Tree(Mayor Dauber) <br /> Dauber asked that Council designate the Brenda Butner Memorial Tree a Heritage Tree. She <br /> particularly noted that Brenda practically wrote the oak tree ordinances and had played a major <br /> role in the preservation of the Town's trees. <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To,ask the Environmental Design and Protection Committee to <br /> take the necessary steps toward declaring the Brenda Butner Memorial Tree a Heritage Tree in <br /> the Town. <br /> 10. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> • Carol Gottlieb, 24290 Summerhill,thanked the Community Relations Committee and the <br /> Pathways Parks and Recreation Committee for the recent path walk and dedication of the Mary <br /> Stutz Pathway. It was a great event and Mrs. Gottlieb further thanked staff for the work done on <br /> the paths. She did suggest however that more work could be done on the peripheral paths. <br /> Johnson further suggested that the Mary Stutz bench needed to be lowered so that it could be <br /> used comfortably. The Public Works Manager stated that he would take care of this. <br /> Sharyn Brown, 27673 Lupine,raised the issue of garbage especially along Page Mill Road. She <br /> still supported putting in signs stating there was a$1,000 fine at the Park and Ride. She believed <br /> this could be done for a one year trial period to see if it helped. The Public Works Manager <br /> reported that a contract with the San Jose Conservation Corps. had been approved earlier in this <br /> meeting on the Consent Calendar. They would be doing some of this clean up and an article <br /> would be in the December Newsletter. <br /> Betsy Bertram, 11854 Page Mill Road, stated that she had attended the 10/27/99 Planning <br /> Commission Meeting at which time the work done without permit on the Lands of Finn was <br /> discussed. She noted that Commissioner Wong was the only Commissioner to approve this work <br /> being done and further noted that Mayor Pro Tem Finn had supported Commissioner Wong <br /> remaining on the Planning Commissioner. She asked if this was a conflict of interest. The City <br /> Attorney responded that it was not. <br /> • <br /> November 4, 1999 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 8 <br />