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Regular Meeting Minutes
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• Road; Carol Gottlieb, 24290 Summerhill; Tim Chown, 13822 Page Mill Road; Ramona Chown, <br /> 13822 Page Mill Road; Harry Emerzian 11670 Dawson Drive; and Jan Fenwick, 28011 Elena <br /> Road. They commented on the importance of homes blending in with the surroundings and <br /> concurred the five year landscape period was good. Valerie Chown also commented that <br /> reflectivity of roofing materials was really important as this would not be mitigated by <br /> landscaping. <br /> The following residents who addressed the Council were not in support of the color board: <br /> Valerie Stitt, 25703 Lomita Linda; John Gorman, 24004 Oak Knoll Circle; Kathleen Weiler, <br /> 26089 Fremont Road; and Cyrous Gheyri, 27400 Elena.- They believed the color board was too <br /> restrictive and the majority of the colors rather dark. In addition they cautioned against over <br /> regulation of a highly subjective area. The comment was also made that it was unfair to impose <br /> this only on new residents. <br /> Casey reported that of the written correspondence received on this issue ten said the color board <br /> was not necessary, thirteen said to retain it,two commented on reflectivity and three said to <br /> expand the color board. <br /> Johnson referred to the color policy in place but did not believe in reality it was working very <br /> well. He suggested considering a policy allowing for screened lots to not have to adhere to the <br /> color board and he also suggested directing staff to do a wide range search of colors with 50 <br /> percent reflectivity. Johnson was not in favor of increasing the reflectivity value. Casey noted <br /> that 90 percent of the homes in Town were not covered by the color board and the colors of these <br /> homes was not a major problem in the Town. She further noted that the intent of the color board <br /> • was to be used for highly visible homes; however, it was imposed on all new homes. Siegel <br /> commented that the reflectivity standards were based on scientific theories. He also noted that <br /> the color of roofs was an important issue and the Town should control the colors of new roofs as <br /> well as re-roofs. Dauber suggested that the current color policy be reinterpreted and restated. <br /> Finn believed less government was better and referred to the original intent of the color policy;- <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Dauber and passed <br /> unanimously to direct staff to research a wide range of colors with a 50 percent reflectivity. In <br /> addition staff was directed to select homes in the Town with different reflectivity values (40%, <br /> 50% and 60%) so that Council could see what the different levels looked like. <br /> 11.2 Request for a modification to an approved Site Development Permit regarding <br /> exterior color, Lands of Weiler, 26089 Fremont Road <br /> Mr. and Mrs. Weiler, applicants, addressed the Council concerning the color of their house. <br /> They noted that their house was single story,had a stone front and had mature landscaping. <br /> They had understood from staff that the color they wanted was an acceptable color and they had <br /> not painted their home an unacceptable color on purpose. The Weilers commented that they had <br /> full support from their neighbors and asked for support from the Council. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Johnson and passed by <br /> the following roll call vote to approve a modification to an approved Site Development Permit <br /> regarding exterior color for Lands of Weiler, 26089 Fremont Road. <br /> AYES: Mayor Pro Tem Finn and Councilmembers Casey, Johnson and Siegel <br /> NOES: Mayor Dauber <br /> • <br /> September 16, 1999 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 7 <br />
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