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Dauber stated that she did not vote for this modification because she believed all applicants <br /> carefully read their conditions of approval and knew what was expected of them. <br /> 11.3 Request for a Site Development Permit for a new residence, Lands of Wythe/Vitu, <br /> 13828 Moon Lane <br /> Dauber stated that she had appealed this approval of a site development permit by the Planning <br /> Commission because she had received phone calls from neighbors who were not in agreement <br /> with the approval. <br /> Glenn Cahoon, applicant's architect, explained the project before Council. He noted that it was <br /> within the Town's ordinances and guidelines with no variances being requested. The house was <br /> within the height limits and under the allowed maximum development area and maximum floor <br /> area. The house was not encroaching in any setbacks and was well screened. <br /> The following addressed the Council expressing their concerns about this site development <br /> permit: Sally and David Ewald, 13830 Page Mill Road; Valerie, Tim and Ramona Chown, 13822 <br /> Page Mill Road; and Dot Schreiner, 14301 Saddle Mountain Road. They did not believe this <br /> house fit into the neighborhood nor did it comply with the Town's ordinances and guidelines. <br /> They commented that this house would dominate the natural landscape and would tower over <br /> other neighboring homes. Tim Chown also referred to a letter sent by Eric Bredo, 13820 Page <br /> Mill Road, which concurred with their comments. <br /> Sandra Humphries, 26238 Fremont Road, referred to the trees on the property and noted that <br /> several of them did not appear on the plans. She urged that the trees not be removed. <br /> • Cyrous Gheyri, 27400 Elena, stated his support of this project. He believed the architect had <br /> done an excellent job. <br /> Janet Vitu, applicant, stated that they were keeping as many trees as possible. She noted that <br /> they believed they had a flat pad and their home would be screened and not visible. Evan Wythe, <br /> applicant, also commented that the majority of the house was on cut not fill. <br /> Bruce Chan, applicant's landscape architect, addressed the issue of what trees would be impacted <br /> by requiring the house to be lowered four feet. He noted that a two foot lowering was <br /> problematic but could work. <br /> Finn noted that the landscaping in a few years would screen the house and saving the trees was <br /> most important. Dauber stated that the siting of the house pad should be on natural grade. This <br /> house was too big for the site and artificial pads should not be accepted on slopes. Siegel <br /> concurred with Dauber. This was a flat land house on a hillside. Johnson believed the strongest <br /> characteristic was the landscaping and added screening. If this house was moved down hill it <br /> would not do anything but make it more prominent. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Finn and passed by the <br /> following roll call vote to approve the request for a site development permit for a new residence, <br /> Lands of Wythe/Vitu, 13828 Moon Lane with the change to condition of approval#1 that the <br /> house be lowered two feet not four. <br /> AYES: Mayor Pro Tem Finn and Councilmembers Casey and Johnson <br /> NOES: Mayor Dauber and Councilmember Siegel <br /> • <br /> September 16, 1999 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 8 <br />