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9.2 Discussion of desirability to change the appeal ordinance from 21 to 22 days <br /> (Mayor Dauber) <br /> This item was continued to the next meeting. <br /> 9.3 Community Health Awareness Council (Mayor Dauber) <br /> Dauber noted for Council's reference that the Town was a member of a Joint Powers Agreement <br /> for the operation of the Community Health Awareness Council. <br /> 10. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> Dot Scheiner, 14301 Saddle Mountain,thanked whomever was responsible for the free chipping <br /> program. Siegel responded that this program was run by the Los Altos Hills County Fire <br /> District. <br /> Betsy Bertram, 11854 Page Mill Road,noted that the compost at Westwind was ususally gone in <br /> two days and she also noted that the map in the reception area at Town Hall was fading and <br /> needed to be restored. Mrs. Bertram also suggested that before an applicant's plans were <br /> microfilmed and then thrown away,the applicant should be given the opportunity to get their <br /> plans back. Staff noted that the map had been restored and an appropriate cover was being <br /> obtained for it. Siegel also asked for a report on the composting issue. <br /> Alan Epstein, 23828 Ravensbury, raised the issue of sewer service for county homeowners <br /> adjacent to the Town in the Ravensbury area. He asked Council to make it clear that county <br /> homeowners in this area could connect to the Town's sewer system provided they pay the usual <br /> • and customary connection and operating charges paid by the Town homeowners. Mr. Epstein <br /> stated that he had been advised by staff that this was not the current Town policy and he was <br /> therefore bringing the matter to Council's attention. The City Attorney noted that Council did <br /> not have the authority to extend the sewer line without the approval of LAFCO even though this <br /> area is in the Town's urban service area. It was agreed that the City Manager would meet with <br /> Mr. Epstein to discuss this issue. <br /> Nader Zatparvar, 25461 Fremont Road, addressed the Council on the sewer issue regarding his <br /> project on Fremont Road. He noted that when he applied for the project they were going to go <br /> on septic. However, Town staff at that time recommended that he connect to a sewer line which <br /> would be going in in that area. He was now in the final stages of his project but the sewer line <br /> was not in and it was too late to go back to septic. It was agreed that the City Manager would <br /> discuss this issue with Mr. Zatparvar. <br /> Mr. Suzuki, 11666 Dawson Drive, raised the issue of fencing that was installed near his property. <br /> He believed this gave the appearance of a gated community and was not in keeping with the <br /> spirit of the Town. He had contacted the Town and while the fencing may be legal Mr. Suzuki <br /> did not believe this was what the Town wanted. He did not agree with fencing off open space. <br /> The Planning Director noted that the fencing did meet the Town's Codes and was part of the <br /> subdivision improvements for the Quarry Hills Subdivision. The fencing should not block any <br /> paths or drainage and would be inspected by staff. <br /> Betsy Bertram, 11854 Page Mill Road, asked if Quarry Hills had been approved as a gated <br /> community and was advised that it had not been. <br /> July 1, 1999 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 8 <br />