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11. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> • 11.1 Request for a site development permit for a new residence and for a variance to <br /> exceed allowable maximum development area, Lands of Burger, 25850 Westwind <br /> Way (continued from the June 3, 1999 meeting) <br /> Johnson stepped down from consideration of this application. <br /> The Planning Director reported that since the May 20"'Council Meeting at which time this <br /> application was initially heard,he had met with the applicants and the plans had been revised. <br /> Staff believed the revised plans substantially addressed the concerns of the Planning Commission <br /> and staff recommended that the revised plans be forwarded to the Commission for review. The <br /> applicants had also submitted a letter requesting review of their plans at the July 14"'Planning <br /> Commission Meeting. <br /> Tony Lagorio, attorney for Rudolph Alfinito, stated that they concurred with the <br /> recommendation that the application go back to the Planning Commission. <br /> Mr. Burger, applicant,referred to the changes they had made to their project including a <br /> reduction of square footage, lowering of house, elimination of second floor and less visual <br /> impact. While he concurred with the Planning Commission's recommendation he would like to <br /> see a resolution to the issue of maximum development area allowed for restrained lots as this <br /> affected his property. <br /> Casey did not want this project to go back to the Planning Commission. The applicants had <br /> already been through several meetings and she believed Council should decide on the project and <br /> move forward with the resolution of maximum development area allowed for restrained lots. <br /> • The City Attorney stated that substantial changes had been made to the applicants'plans and new <br /> plans had not been made available to Council or the public. This was not due process and it was <br /> necessary for the revised application to be reviewed by the Commission. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Finn and passed by the <br /> following roll call vote to refer the applicants (Lands of Burger)back to the Planning <br /> Commission for review of revised plans. <br /> AYES: Mayor Dauber and Councilmembers Finn and Siegel <br /> NOES: Councilmember Casey <br /> ABSTAIN: Councilmember Johnson <br /> 11.2 Introduction of Ordinance providing enhancements to the Site Development <br /> Review Process and establishing a "Fast-Track" Review Process and a negative <br /> Declaration(FIRST READING) <br /> Dauber referred to section 1(e) of the proposed ordinance and asked what Council would do if an <br /> element was a structural one not a design one. She put forth the example of windows <br /> giving a house the appearance of a three story structure. Finn noted that each <br /> application would be considered on its own. Johnson stated that he thought they <br /> should move forward with this ordinance and see how it works rather than trying to <br /> work out every possible situation at the beginning. Casey recommended agendizing a <br /> meeting with the Planning Commission to discuss what this ordinance meant as <br /> regards the design guidelines. She believed they were in conflict but Johnson noted <br /> • that the ordinance would take precedence over the guidelines. <br /> June 17, 1999 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 7 <br />