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word 'interested' stays in: 15) P. 3, item (b)(12), revise to read: "Appeals of the Planning <br /> Director's decision may be made in writing by any impacted interested party, including <br /> by any Councilmember or antwo (2) Planning Commissioners, not later than the date <br /> and time of the City Council's consideration of the item on its consent agenda, or not <br /> later than twenty-one (21) days after the site development decision hearing in the event <br /> that no Council meeting is scheduled." <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dauber, seconded by Johnson and <br /> passed unanimously to agree that not later than twelve (12)months after the effective date <br /> of this ordinance, staff shall initiate a review of the effectiveness of the ordinance. The <br /> review shall be made at a public hearing by the City Council, subsequent to review and <br /> recommendation by the Planning Commission. In addition periodic reports will be made <br /> to Council by the Planning Director. This motion is not to be a part of the ordinance but <br /> rather direction from Council. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Dauber and <br /> passed by the following roll call vote to add design guidelines to section 1.(e) at the end <br /> of the first sentence. <br /> AYES: Mayor Johnson and Councilmembers Dauber and Siegel <br /> NOES: Councilmembers Casey and Finn <br /> Casey and Finn believed the design guidelines were very subjective and should not be <br /> referenced. <br /> • MOTION MADE AND FAILED DUE TO LACK OF A SECOND: Motion made by <br /> Dauber and failed due to lack of a second to add the following section 2(a)(5): "The <br /> project is of average or below average size as compared with projects from the previous <br /> year." <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Casey and <br /> passed by the following roll call vote to direct the City Attorney to revise the ordinance to <br /> reflect the changes made by Council and to bring the ordinance back to the next Council <br /> Meeting for first reading. <br /> AYES: Mayor Johnson and Councilmembers Casey and Finn <br /> NOES: Mayor Pro Tem Dauber and Councilmember Siegel <br /> Siegel stated that if the enhancements and fast track were separated into two parts he <br /> would vote for the fast track. However, he found the findings for the enhancements <br /> difficult to make. <br /> 12. CLOSED SESSION: <br /> 12.1 PERSONNEL; PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT, Government Code Section 54957--City <br /> Manager <br /> 12.2 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-ANTICIPATED LITIGATION, <br /> Government Code Section 54956.9(b) Significant Exposure to Litigation: ABAG <br /> Recommendation for Mar Claim <br /> June 3, 1999 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 10 <br />