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i <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Finn and passed by the <br /> following roll call vote to approve the following Site Development Scope of Review: "The <br /> Site Development Authority shall be limited in its review of site development applications <br /> to elements of the proposed development which are specifically addressed by provisions in <br /> the Town's Site Development and Zoning Codes. Design and architectural features, such as <br /> architectural style, chimneys,window treatment, skylights, etc. shall not be considered or <br /> altered by the Site Development Authority." <br /> AYES: Mayor Johnson and Councilmembers Casey and Finn <br /> NOES: Mayor Pro Tem Dauber and Councilmember Siegel <br /> Council then discussed the following proposed fast-track review process (staff with <br /> Council consent): <br /> 1. The Planning Director may"fast-track" new residences/major remodels which <br /> he/she determines: <br /> a. conform to the General Plan, the Codes, adopted policies, the Design <br /> Guidelines, and/or the conditions of a subdivision, as applicable; <br /> b. do not require variances or conditional development permits; <br /> c. do not have substantiated neighborhood opposition; and <br /> d. when the applicant accepts all conditions of approval in writing. <br /> The Planning Director's decision to "fast-track" or to refer an application to the <br /> Planning Commission is final. <br /> • 2. Staff shall process "fast-track" reviews as follows: <br /> a. story poles in place prior to notice being mailed; <br /> b. notice to all owners w/i 500 feet, when substantially complete application; <br /> c. staff schedules site development hearing for Tuesday afternoons (3:00 p.m.), <br /> consistent with established procedures for site development hearings, with the <br /> flexibility to schedule at night if necessary; <br /> d. Environmental Design and Pathways Committees invited to hearing; <br /> e. interim staff report("fact sheet")prepared with numbers (FA, DA, setbacks, <br /> height) compared to allowable and other basic info. re: site and proposal; <br /> f. Planning Director must conduct hearing,not delegate to other staff,unless as <br /> authorized by Council; <br /> g. staff approval if resolution of issues with neighbors and conformance with all <br /> applicable policies, codes, and guidelines; <br /> h. staff report amended with basis for approval, including discussion of any <br /> issues raised by neighbors, and including final conditions. <br /> i. staff Qualified approval if limited neighborhood opposition determined to be <br /> unreasonable or irrelevant(note opposition in decision); <br /> j. applicant must agree in writing to conditions of approval. <br /> 3. Fast-track projects shall be placed on the Council Consent agenda as follows: <br /> a. notice of approval and Council date to all neighbors and applicant; <br /> b. Council consent calendar minimum of 10 days after approval; <br /> March 18, 1999 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 5 <br />