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Regular Meeting Minutes
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AYES: Mayor Johnson and Councilmembers Casey and Finn <br /> NOES: Councilmember Dauber <br /> ABSENT: Councilmember Siegel <br /> Dauber stated that if this action resulted in returning the land to the natural grade then she <br /> would vote for it. However, this was the first time she had heard this statement. <br /> 11.3 Request for modification of tentative map conditions for the Matadero Creek <br /> Subdivision(Tract#7187)to permit development area of 2,272 square feet in excess <br /> of the allowable maximum, Lands of Jain, 28510 Matadero Creek Lane <br /> Mr. and Mrs. Jain, applicants,presented a handout to the Council which outlined the <br /> development on their lot. Mrs. Jain stated that they were not asking for development area in <br /> excess of the allowed maximum. They were asking that the rules be applied equally to all those <br /> in the subdivision. She believed either the conditions, covenants and regulations should be <br /> applied or Ordinance#305 but not both. According to their tabulations, sixteen of the twenty <br /> lots had used the CC&Rs. Mrs. Jain further commented that once they had approval of the <br /> development area, they would be preparing and submitting a landscape plan. <br /> Bill Riffle, 28525 Matadero Creek Lane, commented that Mrs. Jain was Councilmember Casey's <br /> treasurer in the November election and he believed it would be appropriate even if not legally <br /> required for Councilmember Casey to step down. The City Attorney stated that this was not a <br /> basis for Councilmember Casey to step down from voting on this request. Mr. Riffle went on to <br /> refer to the Council approval of the Jain's application for a new residence (Lot 5 -Matadero <br /> Creek Subdivision) in February of 1998. At that time a dicussion was held on reducing the floor <br /> area to allow for more outdoor living area. At that time the Jains stated they did not need any <br /> more outdoor living area. He also noted that at that meeting Councilmember Casey stated that <br /> • nothing in the Town's code required a certain amount of outdoor living area. In March of 1998 <br /> the Rutner application(Lot 7 - Matadero Creek Subdivision) was approved which allowed an <br /> increased development area because his property would have gotten this development area with <br /> either of the two interpretations being considered. At this meeting, the Planning Director was <br /> also directed to prepare an analysis of the development criteria which would apply to future <br /> development in the Matadero Creek Subdivision. Mr. Riffle believed this request by the Jains <br /> was an attempt to obtain additional development area before the analysis for all of the <br /> subdivision had been approved. <br /> Charlie Ellinger, 28520 Matadero Creek Lane, noted that Lot 5 was the smallest and steepest of <br /> the lots in the Matadero Creek Subdivision and one that had serious drainage issues. She also <br /> commented that both Lots 5 and 7 had been approved early in 1998. To date Lot 7 was framed <br /> but there had been hardly any progress on Lot 5. Mrs. Ellinger further questioned the request for <br /> this approval without a landscape plan. <br /> Bob Lefkowits, 28515 Matadero Creek Lane, commented that.he believed if the Jains were given <br /> extra development area the other owners in the subdivision would also request additional <br /> development area. He supported waiting until the Planning.Director had completed his analysis. <br /> Ginger Summit, 13390 Lenox Way, commented on the total disrespect, disregard and <br /> intimidation of people addressing the Council by some members of the City Council. She <br /> believed there were some members of the Council who used this public input time as their own <br /> private debate time. Mrs. Summit thought this was very intimidating for those speaking and that <br /> Council should be respectful of the audience. In response to an inquiry from Casey, Mrs. <br /> • March 4, 1999 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 10 <br />
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