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)5 <br /> in a conservation easement and what if any impacts this would have on his property. There was <br /> already a 20' wide drainage easement along the creek and he believed this might be <br /> sufficient. On the sewer issue he was required to connect to sewer by the conditions <br /> imposed by the Planning Commission. He referenced a letter written by John Draeger on <br /> Lupine supporting city sewer service on Lupine. Mr. Srinivasan also noted discussions <br /> with Mr. Basiji on whose properly the sewer connection to Page Mill was located. <br /> Jef Roberts, applicant's architect, noted that several variations on the design for this home had <br /> been done. As Mr. Srinivasan had noted they had originally designed a two story home but <br /> believing this would have an impact on the neighbors they changed the plans to a one story. In <br /> his opinion a two foot decrease in height had a great impact on the design of this home by <br /> changing the pitch of the roof. Mr. Roberts did not believe the house design should be <br /> compromised. <br /> John Dukes, 27783 Lupine, expressed concern about the process. He recommended that applicants <br /> meet with neighbors early to learn of concerns and to work with them toward a resolution. <br /> He also referred to the public hearing at the Planning Commission on this application. <br /> There seemed to be consensus among the applicants,neighbors, staff and Commission on <br /> the project and then they had heard it had been appealed. He found this quite upsetting. <br /> Jitze Couperus, 13680 Page Mill Road, noted that according to the Town's regulations,the height of a <br /> home can be restricted. He showed slides to indicate the impact on their home from this <br /> project. Mr. Couperus also commented that the applicants had not asked for the neighbors' <br /> input. <br /> Casey commented that she was offended by the misrepresentation of the photograph given to the <br /> • Council by Mr. Couperus. <br /> Sandra Humphries, 26238 Fremont Road,noted that a twenty-five foot conservation easement was a <br /> standard condition to prevent the Santa Clara Valley Water District from paving over the <br /> area. If there was no such condition, the easement could be concreted. <br /> Jerry Swiss, 27853 Lupine,had several concerns which included the size of this project, noise, <br /> easements and lack of notification. He noted that they had full view of the Srinivasan <br /> house except for a row of dying Monterey Pines which would probably be gone in a year. <br /> The construction noise from this project would also have a negative impact on them. Mr. <br /> Swiss also commented that they had not been contacted before the Planning Commission <br /> public hearing on this project. <br /> Janet Vitu, 13826 Page Mill Road, commented that compromises had already been made by the <br /> applicant on this project. This was not a highly visible lot, was not on a ridgeline and the <br /> neighbors would not be able to tell if the house was 27or 25' high. She believed it was <br /> subjective to ask them to lower the house 2-3 feet. <br /> Mrs. Jain, 28510 Matadero Creek Lane,noted that it took two years to get their plans approved. It was <br /> not possible to please all of the neighbors, compromises had been made and asked the <br /> Council to approve the appeal. <br /> Dean Stark, 13686 Page Mill Road, stated that he was offended by tone used by certain <br /> Councilmembers toward his neighbors. The neighbors' concerns were valid. Mr. Stark <br /> believed compromise was necessary when considering such applications. <br /> March 4, 1999 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 6 <br />