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Regular Meeting Minutes
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Rick Ellinger, 28520 Matadero Creek Lane, commented that this project should not be redesigned at <br /> • this time. The creek does flood occasionally and he did not think it would be wise to <br /> change the pad of the house nor the conservation easement. <br /> Mr. Noghrey, 27870 Fawn Creek Court, supported reducing the height of this house by 2-3 feet. He <br /> had had to reduce the height of his house and this reduction would lessen the impact on his <br /> home. Mr. Moghrey further asked that the applicant be required to plant several trees and <br /> not be allowed to have a terra cotta type roof. <br /> Nancy Couperus, 13680 Page Mill Road, reiterated the impact this house would have on their home. <br /> Two feet made quite a difference and she thought a good compromise had been reached at <br /> the Planning Commission hearing. <br /> Jim Abraham, 12831 Viscaino Road, stated that the applicant had met all of the Town's requirements <br /> and the neighbors would deny him the right to development his property. <br /> Amir Rosenbaum, 10560 Blandor Way, believed that the rules should apply to all equally. He also <br /> addressed what he considered the polarization of the community. Older homes were being <br /> replaced with larger new homes. Senior citizens were moving on downsizing and property <br /> values were of major interest. Mr. Rosenbaum supported the applicant's appeal. <br /> Carl Cottrell, 13480 N. Fork Lane, stated that although he was a recently appointed member of the <br /> Planning Commission,he was speaking as a resident. Mr. Cottrell asked how much <br /> discretion the Planning Commission had in deciding heights and suggested that this be <br /> clarified when the planning process was discussed. He stated that he had visited the site <br /> and as an engineer did not believe a reduction of two feet would be noticed by the <br /> neighbors. <br /> • Betsy Bertram, 11854 Page Mill Road, commented that a compromise had been reached at the <br /> Planning Commission public hearing on the Lands of Srinivasan. She also inquired if it <br /> was the responsibility of Councilmembers to call residents and ask them to come to the <br /> meeting and speak on an issue. <br /> Jim Basiji, 27880 Fawn Creek Court, expressed his concerns about the sewer issue. The sewer <br /> easement ran right through their property and their landscaping was in place. He suggested <br /> two alternatives. One was to connect to the septic system or connect with the sewer line on <br /> Lot#1 Lupine Acres (Couperus). This easement ran along the edge of the lot rather than <br /> thru the lot which made more sense. Others may want to connect if this option were <br /> approved. In addition, an easement had been recorded for Lupine Acres in 1960 which was <br /> well before the easement on their property which had been recorded in 1985. Mr. Basiji <br /> believed the worst case scenario was to relocate the easement on his property. <br /> Jitze Couperus, 13680 Page Mill explained the 20'public utility easement which was 10' on either side <br /> of the lot line (between his property and the Dimmicks at 27891 Lupine). He commented <br /> that should he ever want to connect to sewer this would be of benefit to him. <br /> Jerry Swiss, 28753 Lupine, commented that the easement terminated at the creek and did not go <br /> through their property at least as shown on the site plan. <br /> Mr. Srinivasan, applicant, commented on the process and endless frustrations. They had compromised <br /> on several issues and he believed their rights were important as well as the neighbors' <br /> rights. <br /> March 4, 1999 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 7 <br />
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