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City Council Minutes
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3/2/2015 2:04:23 PM
Creation date
3/2/2015 12:05:12 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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The City Manager, at the request of Council, commented on the issue of sewer connections. The <br /> • option of Lupine to Page Mill crossing over the Couperus/Dimmick easement would also <br /> cross Matadero Creek and would be expensive as well as requiring a lift station. The <br /> easement crossing the Basiji property would run closer to the creek but that raised the issue <br /> of the bench being closer to the creek. Of the options he believed the best was to use the <br /> easement on the Basiji lot. <br /> Casey stated that the staff and Environmental Design Committee had recommended approval of this <br /> house without a height reduction. In reality the applicant could have had a two story home <br /> but chose not to. It was not a highly visible lot and the reduction of the house would <br /> negatively impact the architectural design of the home. She had visited the neighbors' lots <br /> and she could not even see the story poles. Casey supported the 27'height. She believed it <br /> made a big difference to the applicants and little difference to the neighbors. Dauber was <br /> opposed to the 27'height. She could not understand how someone could get a 27' high one <br /> story house. She supported the role of the Planning Commission and the purpose of story <br /> poles. Dauber also noted that staff did not have the time to go and talk to all of the <br /> neighbors on each application. Finn stated that the Town had one acre minimums and this <br /> was not a highly visible lot. The applicant was also below the allowed maximum <br /> development area. Finn believed the applicant had been through a long, intimidating <br /> process and he supported 27'. Johnson commented that the subcommittee working on fast <br /> track and enhancements had not made their final recommendation to Council. In the <br /> meantime he believed this application had been a model example of compromise worked <br /> out at the Planning Commission level. Compromises had been made and agreed upon. He <br /> supported 25'. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND FAILED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Finn and failed by the <br /> • following roll call vote to delete condition number one which stated that the height of the <br /> main ridge shall be lowered at least two feet. <br /> AYES: Councilmembers Casey and Finn <br /> NOES: Mayor Johnson and Mayor Pro Tem Dauber <br /> Council discussed condition number 18. The Planning Director explained that this was a large area of <br /> pavement and the Planning Commission had aesthetic concerns and hoped this condition <br /> would provide relief from the paved area. Casey believed this was micromanaging the <br /> applicant's project. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Finn and passed by the <br /> following roll call vote to delete the following sentence from condition 418: "The center of <br /> the turnaround shall be turfstone, grasscrete or other similar open-style material as <br /> approved by the Planning Commission, prior to acceptance of plans for building plan <br /> check." <br /> AYES: Mayor Johnson and Councilmembers Casey and Finn <br /> NOES: Mayor Pro Tem Dauber <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Finn and passed <br /> unanimously by all members present to approve condition number 19 with the notation that <br /> the Town would look at moving the easement on the Basiji property and with the further <br /> notation that the Srinivasans would replace the landscaping on the Basiji property if needed <br /> due to moving the sewer easement. <br /> March 4, 1999 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 8 <br />
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