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MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Dauber and passed <br /> unanimously by all members present to allow the Srinivasans to have a septic system if <br /> • the want one and if it is approved b the Health Department and the Ci Engineer. <br /> Y PP Y P City g <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dauber, seconded by Johnson and passed by the <br /> following roll call vote to keep condition number 21 requiring a conservation easement <br /> over Matadero Creek including areas within 25 feet of the top of the creek banks. <br /> AYES: Mayor Johnson and Councilmembers Dauber and Finn <br /> NOES: Councilmember Casey <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dauber, seconded by Finn and passed <br /> unanimously by all members present to approve the request for a site development permit <br /> for a new residence for Lands of Srinivasan at 27835 Lupine Road subject to the conditions <br /> of approval as recommended by the Planning Commission and amended by the City <br /> Council. <br /> The Planning Director referred to several comments that had been made indicating a delay on the part <br /> of staff in reviewing this project and of lack of notification to the neighbors. For the record he <br /> outlined dates and time of staff meetings with the applicants and of notifications to the <br /> neighbors. Specifically staff had sent the applicant a letter early on in the application process <br /> stating that a one story house should not be more than twenty three or twenty four feet. <br /> Dauber made the following statement now that the public hearing was completed on this application. <br /> She stated that she did not believe this project would ever have been one to be 'fast tracked'. In <br /> one Planning Commission Meeting which had taken one and one half hours compromises had <br /> • been reached by all parties involved and the project had been approved. After being appealed by <br /> Councilmember Casey this project had been delayed another seven weeks. Dauber quoted Mr. <br /> Srinivasan's speech to the Planning Commission saying how pleased he had been with the <br /> process. <br /> 11.2 Request to delete a condition of approval of a Site Development Permit for a major <br /> addition and remodel that requires the addition to be stepped with the topography of <br /> the site, Lands of Wu& Chen, 26998 Beaver Lane <br /> Mr. Wu, applicant, explained to the Council why they wanted the condition removed to <br /> lower the south bedroom wing by a minimum of three feet. He noted that they had <br /> elderly parents living with them and in addition their home was not visible to any <br /> neighbors. <br /> Dot Schreiner, Planning Commissioner, commented that this situation was very similar to a <br /> home on Edgerton and although that home was not visible either they had been <br /> required to step down. <br /> Casey supported this request in part because it had no affect on the neighbors and because <br /> of the situation of elderly parents living in the house. Dauber stated that the <br /> ordinances should be objective. Finn commented that this was returning the land to <br /> the natural grade and Johnson noted that the house was surrounded by trees and not <br /> visible. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Finn and passed <br /> by the following roll call vote to delete the statement in condition number one stating <br /> that the applicants shall lower the south bedroom wing by a minimum of three feet. <br /> March 4, 1999 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 9 <br />