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Casey did not agree but strongly urged Council to agendize the Carse path for review as she <br /> believed these residents deserved a decision in the near future. Johnson agreed with Siegel that <br /> paths should be looked at individually to determine in part if they were redundant. Dauber <br /> believed that before Council began looking at the paths, a set of guidelines was needed as well as <br /> objective criteria on what paths the Town wanted. She further noted this was the responsibility <br /> of the Pathways Committee. Casey believed the number one criteria was whether the residents <br /> whose property was affected wanted the path. Casey also referred to the sewer system in Town <br /> and stated that she thought the goal of developing a long range maintanence and replacement <br /> program for the Town's sewer system should be funded out of fees imposed on those on sewers. <br /> She did not think it was right for those on septic to help pay for the sewer system. <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct the City Manager to bring back a report at the next <br /> Council Meeting on the goals and objectives and at that time Council will prioritize the list of <br /> projects. <br /> 6. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 7. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, SUB-COMMITTEES,AND COUNCILMEMBERS <br /> ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br /> 8. STAFF REPORTS <br /> 8.1 City Manager <br /> 8.1.1 Webpage <br /> The City Manager reported that presently the Town was running a webpage parallel with the one <br /> • at the Town Crier. Staff was being trained and when that was completed the Town would handle <br /> its own webpage. Email training was scheduled for next week and an email policy was being <br /> formulated for Council's review. In addition the Council subcommittee (Johnson and Siegel) <br /> would be reviewing the webpage for appropriate items of interest to add. <br /> 8.1.2 Stop sign at Altamont, Bryne Park Lane and Taaffee <br /> The City Manager reported that the stop sign approved for Altamont, Bryne Park Lane and <br /> Taaffe Road had been installed. <br /> 8.2 City Attorney <br /> 8.3 City Clerk <br /> 8.3.1 Report on Council Correspondence <br /> It was noted that the issues raised in Mr. Schoendorf s letter would be scheduled for Council <br /> discussion on February 3, 1999 and the Mayor would respond to Mr. Cranston's letter about Y2K <br /> issues. Casey referred to a letter she had received from a Mr. Cefalu concerning the Town's <br /> sewer reimbursement policy. She asked that this be agendized for Council discussion but it was <br /> decided to add this to the list of goals and objectives to be discussed at the February 3, 1999 <br /> meeting. <br /> 9. COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS <br /> 9.1 Discussion of future Council agenda items (Councilmember Casey) <br /> January 20, 1999 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 4 <br />