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Regular Meeting Minutes
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This was discussed in connection with goals and objectives. <br /> • 10. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> 11. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> 11.1 Draft Circulation and Scenic Roadways Element of the General Plan, including <br /> proposed policies and implementation measures regarding: maintenance and <br /> dedication of private roadways;right-of-way widths; the aesthetic design of <br /> roadways; road capacities and traffic levels; regional traffic problems;roadway <br /> safety measures; emergency access routes; standards for drainage; reducing <br /> impacts of regional traffic;bicycles and other alternate transportation modes; and <br /> coordination with the Town's Pathways Element and pathway network; and <br /> proposed Negative Declaration(continued from the January 6, 1999 meeting) <br /> Max Brown, 12670 Dianne Drive,referred to the statement that sound walls along 280 shall be <br /> prohibited. He supported sound walls but also suggested that trees could be used or trees in front <br /> of sound walls. He just thought that the word prohibited was too strong. The other issue he was <br /> concerned about was the statement that a park and ride lot in close proximity to the El Monte <br /> Road and Magdalena Avenue ramps at 280 be supported. He and his neighbors suggested <br /> Foothill College might be a good location for a park and ride but any other location in this <br /> vicinity would create traffic and safety hazards. <br /> Mrs. Butts,Voorhees Drive, also expressed concern about the sound wall issue and the park and <br /> ride location. Their home was located at El Monte and 280 and the sound issue was of great <br /> concern. They had wanted a sound wall on their property but Caltrans refused saying the noise <br /> decibals were not high enough. They had also tried to get approval from the Town for a berm but <br /> • were denied. Mrs. Butts also stated that the traffic was such at this location that she could not <br /> support an additional park and ride. In response to Mrs. Butts' comments and in response to an <br /> inquiry from Casey, staff noted that Mrs. Butts could request a variance for a fence on their <br /> property. The berm had been turned down because the blockage of the drainage ditch was an <br /> issue. <br /> Chuck Ber hoff 12780 Dianne Drive referred to the suggestion fora park and ride at El Monte. <br /> g gg <br /> He did not support this noting that the traffic in this area was already intense and safety would be <br /> a very real issue. Furthermore,he did not support a park and ride on the Foothill College campus <br /> either for these same reasons. <br /> Denise Cote, 24970 O'Keefe, commented that the park and ride at Page Mill Road never <br /> appeared to be full so it did not seem necessary to have another park and ride. <br /> Casey referred to three letters which had been received on the circulation element. The letter <br /> from Charlene Geers, 12742 Leander Drive, did not support 60 foot road right of ways or <br /> increased setbacks; supported driveways in setbacks and sound walls and did not support <br /> accommodating bicycle traffic by discouraging auto traffic; Robert Harvancik did not support <br /> accommodating bicycle traffic by discouraging auto traffic and did not support the park and ride <br /> at El Monte; and Bill May supported detailed scientific study of the issue of sound walls before a <br /> decision was made. <br /> Dot Schreiner, 14301 Saddle Mountain Drive, addressed several issues which were before <br /> Council concerning the Circulation Element and which had been commented on by the Los Altos <br /> Hills Civic Association. The standards for road right of ways had been developed,with safety a <br /> primary concern, and had been in place for decades. The Town's General Plan was a general <br /> January 20, 1999 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 5 <br />
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