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Regular Meeting Minutes
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• statement of the Town's goals. If the right of way standards were changed at this time it would <br /> be very difficult. Setbacks and conservation easements were determined on a case by case basis. <br /> Concerning the park and ride,Mrs. Schreiner noted that the park and ride at Page Mill and <br /> Arastradero was often overflowing especially on weekends in the summer. Mrs. Schreiner <br /> further noted that the issue of sound walls needed more study. The Planning Commission often <br /> preferred a double stand of trees and fences rather than sound walls. <br /> Lala Carsten, 13761 La Paloma, objected to the 60 foot road right of way issue. She thought this <br /> was excessive. She also reported that she had conducted a random survey of 22 residents none of <br /> p Y <br /> whom supported the 60 foot road right of way. In addition most did not even know about this <br /> requirement and thought it was excessive. Ms. Carsten did not agree that the standards for road <br /> right of ways had been in place for decades. In her case originally there was a 10 foot easement <br /> which was then increased to 60 feet. <br /> Fred Osterlund, 26238 Fremont Road, did not support sound walls noting their impact on <br /> domestic animals and the problem of graffiti. He also did not support turnarounds and backups <br /> for driveways in setbacks. <br /> Evan Wythe, 13826 Page Mill Road, recommended a 40 foot road right of way as a standard <br /> with 60 foot as the exception. Furthermore, he suggested in cases where this would result in a <br /> nonconforming lot, an easement be taken instead. <br /> Les Earnest, 12769 Dianne Drive, noted that bicyclists have an irrevocable right to use the roads. <br /> He further commented that the Pathways Committee had recommended that a sign be put up <br /> regarding the merging at El Monte and 280. Mr. Earnest supported a park and ride at Foothill <br /> College. <br /> • Carol Gottlieb, 24290 Summerhill, supported sound walls and 60 foot road right of ways. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND FAILED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Finn and failed by the <br /> following roll call vote to delete the following objective on page 10: "Driveways should be <br /> minimized within the required side yard setback area to provide for landscaping,to enhance <br /> privacy, and to maintain a safe distance between adjacent driveways." <br /> AYES: Councilmembers Casey and Finn <br /> NOES: Mayor Johnson and Councilmembers Dauber and Siegel <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Casey and passed by <br /> the following roll call vote to amend the last objective on page 10 to read: "Driveways should be <br /> located to provide for landscaping between properties,to protect privacy and to maintain a safe <br /> distance between adjacent driveways." <br /> AYES: Mayor Johnson and Councilmembers Casey, Dauber and Siegel <br /> NOES: Councilmember Finn <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: On page 12, add a new implementation measure to read: "The <br /> Town should request that CalTrans evaluate measures to address safety concerns on El Monte <br /> Road and Magdalena Avenue near the ramps at I-280." <br /> Siegel did not think that sound walls made sense and that alternate ways of lessening the sound <br /> along 280 should be studied. He noted that if and when 280 was widened an environmental <br /> • impact report would be done and at that time mitigation measures for noise would be discussed. <br /> January 20, 1999 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 6 <br />
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