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• • <br /> EXHIBIT A <br /> TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS LOSALTOSHILLS <br /> 26379 Fremont Road <br /> Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 <br /> ‘11-- <br /> Phone: (650) 941-7222 im - - •Er <br /> CALIFORNIA <br /> Complete Streets Policy <br /> Approved by City Council—1/24/13 <br /> Objective: <br /> The objective of this policy is to establish guiding principles and practices so transportation <br /> improvements are planned, designed, constructed, operated and maintained to encourage <br /> walking, bicycling, and transit use while promoting safe operations for all users. <br /> The Town of Los Altos Hills will create a safe and efficient transportation system that promotes <br /> the health and mobility of all Los Altos Hills citizens and visitors by providing high quality <br /> pedestrian, bicycling, and equestrian access to all destinations throughout the Town, and will <br /> design its streets for people, with beauty and amenities. The Town of Los Altos Hills will <br /> provide for the needs of drivers, bicyclists, pedestrians, and equestrians of all ages and abilities in <br /> all planning, design, construction, reconstruction, retrofit, operations, and maintenance activities. <br /> The Town of Los Altos Hills will enhance the safety, access, convenience, and comfort of all <br /> users of all ages and abilities. The Town understands that children, seniors, and persons with <br /> disabilities will require special accommodations. <br /> Policy: <br /> Complete Streets Principles <br /> • Complete Streets Serving All Users. Los Altos Hills expresses its commitment to <br /> creating and maintaining Complete Streets that provide safe, comfortable, and convenient <br /> travel along and across streets (including streets, roads, highways, bridges, and other <br /> portions of the transportation system) through a comprehensive, integrated transportation <br /> network that serves all categories of users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, person with <br /> disabilities, motorists, movers of commercial goods, users and operators of public <br /> transportation, seniors, children, youth, families, and equestrians. <br /> • Context Sensitivity. In planning and implementing street projects, departments and <br /> agencies of Los Altos Hills shall maintain sensitivity to local conditions and shall work <br /> with residents, and other stakeholders to ensure that a strong sense of place ensues. <br /> Improvements that will be considered include pathways, bicycle lanes, bicycle routes, <br /> paved shoulders, street trees and landscaping, accessible curb ramps, crosswalks, and <br /> other features assisting in the provision of safe travel for all users, such as traffic calming <br /> circles, transit bulb outs, and road diets. <br /> Resolution No. 8-13 Page 3 <br />