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• S <br /> • Complete Streets Routinely Addressed by All Departments. All relevant departments <br /> and agencies of Los Altos Hills shall work towards making Complete Streets.practices a <br /> routine part of everyday operations, approach every relevant project, program, and <br /> practice as an opportunity to improve streets and the transportation network for all <br /> categories of users, and work in coordination with other departments, agencies, and <br /> jurisdictions to maximize opportunities for Complete Streets, connectivity, and <br /> cooperation. The following projects provide opportunities: pavement, resurfacing, <br /> restriping, accessing above and underground utilities, or modifications, and maintenance <br /> of landscaping/related features. <br /> • All Projects and Phases. Complete Streets infrastructure sufficient to enable reasonably <br /> safe travel along and across the right of way for each category of users shall be <br /> incorporated into all planning, funding, design, approval, and implementation processes <br /> for any construction, reconstructions, retrofit, maintenance, operations, alteration, or <br /> repair of streets (including streets, roads, highways, bridges, and other portions of the <br /> transportation system), except that specific infrastructure for a given category of users <br /> may be excluded if an exemption is approved via the process set forth in section 9 of this <br /> policy. <br /> Implementation <br /> • Plan Consultation and Consistency. Maintenance, planning, and design of projects <br /> affecting the transportation system shall be consistent with local bicycle, pedestrian, <br /> transit, multimodal, and other relevant plans, except that where such consistency cannot <br /> be achieved without negative consequences, consistency shall not be required if the head <br /> of the relevant department provides written approval explaining the basis of such <br /> deviation. <br /> • Street Network/Connectivity. As feasible, Los Altos Hills shall incorporate Complete <br /> Streets infrastructure into existing streets to improve the safety and convenience of users <br /> and to create employment, with the particular goal of creating a connected network of <br /> facilities accommodating each category of users, and increasing connectivity across <br /> jurisdictional boundaries and for existing and anticipated future areas of travel origination <br /> or destination. <br /> • Traffic and Safety Committee Consultation. If Los Altos Hills has a Traffic and Safety <br /> Committee, transportation projects shall be reviewed by the Committee early in the <br /> planning and design state, to provide the Committee an opportunity to provide comments <br /> and recommendations regarding Complete Streets features to be incorporated into the <br /> project. <br /> • Evaluation. All relevant agencies or departments shall perform evaluations of how well <br /> the streets and transportation network of Los Altos Hills are serving each category of <br /> users by collecting baseline data and collection follow-up data on a regular basis. <br /> Resolution No.8-13 Page 4 <br />