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1.07-05 <br />RESOLUTION No. <br />A RESOLUTION OF <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br />FIXING THE EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTION OF HEALTH CARE PREMIUM <br />UNDER THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL CARE ACT <br />WHEREAS, Government Code Section 22825.6 provides that a local agency contracting <br />under the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act shall fix the amount of the <br />employer's contribution at an amount not less than the amount required under Section <br />22825 of the Act, and <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills is a local agency contracting under the Act; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Town desires to set a cap of employer contribution at 110% of the <br />average premium of all plans available to Town employees; <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the employer's contribution for each <br />employee or annuitant shall be the amount necessary to pay the full cost of his/her <br />enrollment, including the enrollment of family members, in a health benefits plan or <br />plans up to a monthly maximum of $522.00 with respect to employees or annuitants <br />enrolled for self alone, $1,045.00 for an employee or annuitant enrolled for self and one <br />family member, and $1,358.00 for an employee or annuitant enrolled for self and two or <br />more family members, plus administrative fees and Contingency Reserve Fund <br />assessments. <br />REGULARLY PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17`h day of November, 2005. <br />BY: <br />ayor <br />City Clerk <br />