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• • <br /> WHEREAS, any failure by the Legislature to maintain the VLF backfill or restore <br /> the VLF will cause widespread disruption in local government services essential to the <br /> well-being of California citizens and their cities and counties; and <br /> WHEREAS, Governor Davis' proposal to divert $4 billion in local VLF backfill <br /> payments over the next 17 months fails to honor the 1998 commitment and is a direct <br /> assault on local services that will be felt by every California resident; and <br /> WHEREAS, shifting $4.2 billion in locally controlled revenues for local services <br /> is neither equitable nor fair. No state program or department has been asked to shoulder <br /> such a disproportionate share of the budget pain. These cuts come on top of the nearly$5 <br /> Billion each year that is transferred from local services to fund state obligations. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY, City Council of the Town of <br /> Los Altos Hills, California, that if the state General Fund can no longer afford the <br /> expense of part or all of the VLF "backfill' that the Legislature and Governor of <br /> California are hereby respectfully urged to implement the provisions of current law <br /> providing for the reduction of the VLF offset in bad economic times and to restore the <br /> VLF in an amount necessary to reduce the VLF backfill; and <br /> RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Town of Los Hills hereby expresses its <br /> profound appreciation to the legislators who support such VLF restoration legislation. <br /> DATED: January 16, 2003 <br /> By -••• <br /> Mayor <br /> • <br /> - - Ci 11,k <br />