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• • <br /> (iii) The City Council shall, during a public meeting, appoint Standing <br /> Committee members by selecting appointees from a roster of <br /> persons offered by individual Council members and applications <br /> from candidates. The City Council shall endeavor to appoint the <br /> best qualified persons. <br /> (d) One member of the City Council shall be designated by the Mayor as a <br /> liaison for each Standing Committee. The designated Council liaison may attend <br /> meetings of the Standing Committee to which he or she is assigned, and shall try to do so <br /> at least quarterly, but shall not vote. The Council liaison shall contact each member of <br /> the Standing Committee to which he or she has been assigned at least once annually to <br /> determine any problems which may exist and to receive information for use in Council <br /> evaluations of Standing Committee actions and direction. <br /> Section 4. Organization of Standing Committees. The following general <br /> rules shall be applicable to the organization and conducting of business by each Standing <br /> Committee: <br /> (a) Each Standing Committee shall establish a time and place for its regular <br /> meetings. Once the Standing Committee has established a time and place for its regular <br /> meetings, the Standing Committee shall request the City Council to approve the time and <br /> place of the regular meeting. The City Clerk shall cause notice of the schedule of regular <br /> meetings to be posted on the bulletin board at Town Hall. The agenda shall be set by the <br /> Chairperson, but upon the request of any Standing Committee member an item shall be <br /> placed on the agenda. Agendas of meetings shall be posted in compliance with the <br /> provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act (commencing with Government Code Section <br /> 54950), as hereafter amended. No Standing Committee meeting shall be considered to <br /> have been held unless notice of the time and date of the meeting shall have been properly <br /> available pursuant to the Ralph M. Brown Act, as hereafter amended, and unless a <br /> quorum shall have been present. Special meetings of a Standing Committee may only be <br /> called by the Standing Committee Chairperson, Mayor or City Manager and must be <br /> called in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act. If a committee has an odd number of <br /> members, a majority of those members shall be considered a quorum. If a committee has <br /> an even number of members, half of those members shall be considered a quorum. <br /> (b) At its first regular meeting in July of each year, each Standing Committee <br /> shall elect, by a simple majority of the members present, from its membership a <br /> Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and such other officers as the Standing <br /> Committee deems advisable, who shall not serve for more than two (2) consecutive one <br /> (1) year terms. At the July meeting, any subcommittees deemed advisable by the <br /> Standing Committee for specific activities within the purview of the Standing Committee <br /> shall be appointed by the members. At any other meeting an officer may be replaced. <br /> However, at any meeting other than the first regular meeting in July, a vote of the <br /> majority of the Standing Committee is necessary to replace or elect an officer. <br /> 3 <br />