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• • <br /> Resolution No. 33-03 <br /> Resolution of the City Council of Los Altos Hills <br /> Supporting and Endorsing the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District's <br /> Proposed Extension of its Boundaries to the San Mateo County Coast to Preserve <br /> Open Space and Agricultural Lands <br /> WHEREAS, the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District is a special district <br /> in northwestern Santa Clara County in 1972 (and extended to southern San Mateo County <br /> in 1976) for the purpose of preserving and managing open space lands within its <br /> jurisdiction on the San Francisco peninsula; and <br /> WHEREAS, existing public benefits of the District's services include protecting <br /> nearly 50,000 acres of our nearby open space lands,providing for low-intensity public <br /> recreational use on approximately 220 miles of trails within 26 open space preserves, <br /> permanently protecting local streams and watersheds, and preserving the sensitive <br /> habitats of a variety of species of endangered plants and animals, maintaining historic <br /> structures and facilities on the land,preserving existing agricultural uses, and providing <br /> an environmental education program and volunteer opportunities; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills is within the jurisdiction of the District, <br /> and its constituents have reaped the priceless benefits provided by the District,many <br /> utilizing the lands for recreational purposes, others enjoying the unspoiled scenic <br /> backdrop provided by District lands, and all secure in the knowledge that these unspoiled <br /> open space lands are permanently preserved for their children, and the generations <br /> beyond; and <br /> WHEREAS, in the late 1990s,the District received requests and petitions from <br /> individuals, organizations, and elected bodies (including the Half Moon Bay City Council <br /> and the Midcoast Community Council) asking for its services in the preservation and <br /> management of open space lands, beyond its current boundaries west of Skyline <br /> Boulevard, and including the natural treasure that is the San Mateo County coastline, and <br /> in a subsequent public opinion poll by the District, approximately 90% of the respondents <br /> said that preservation of open space west of Skyline Boulevard was important; and <br /> WHEREAS, the 1998 Coastside Subregional Planning Study conducted by the <br /> County of San Mateo, the cities of Pacifica and Half Moon Bay, the Midcoast <br /> Community Council and sponsored by the Association of Bay Area Governments <br /> indicated the need for regional open space preservation and management services in this <br /> area, concluded that District boundary expansion was one of the most promising attempts <br /> in a decade to meet this need; and <br />